
Political Differences Should Not Divide Us

We’re always going to be able to find differences in others, but maybe it’s time we start finding what we have in common and spend more time focusing on that. The political environment in this country has gotten downright evil, and I think dangerous. But we, as citizens, can be better than that. Because fortunately, we all share something in coming: We are all Americans who want the best for our loved ones, and most importantly, for our children.

Buzz Lightyear Movie

As Disney just learned, you can lose a lot of money and customers by pushing social agendas in your product, such as the Buzz Lightyear flub. When will corporations, athletes, and the left, in general, learn that we don’t want their social agendas stuffed down our throat?

Extreme Road Rage

Little did these teens know that the simple exchange of hand gestures while driving would result in one of them being shot by a woman with children in her minivan.

Extreme Road Rage

Little did these teens know that the simple exchange of hand gestures while driving would result in one of them being shot by a woman with children in her minivan.

We Can All Benefit From Spreading Joy

How to start the day right by finding ways to share your joy with others.

We Can All Benefit From Spreading Joy

How to start the day right by finding ways to share your joy with others.

Correcting the Failures of the Past

We can correct the past failures in our family tree by correcting how we think and act in the present.

Correcting the Failures of the Past

We can correct the past failures in our family tree by correcting how we think and act in the present.

We Can All Be Philanthropists (in Our Love for Humanity)

The word philanthropy in Greek means the “Love of Humankind.” We do not have to have wealth to be great lovers of humankind. How about sharing your talents, knowledge, your personal story to help others. You are a philanthropist.

We Can All Be Philanthropists (in Our Love for Humanity)

The word philanthropy in Greek means the “Love of Humankind.” We do not have to have wealth to be great lovers of humankind. How about sharing your talents, knowledge, your personal story to help others. You are a philanthropist.
