
Family Day at Rock & Rumble

There’s nothing better than taking the family out to a good ole fashion American event. My sons and I spent the day at the Colorado Hot Rod Rock & Rumble—one of the finest displays of hot rods, classics, and street rods you’ll find anywhere in the nation, with fun events, vendors, good food, and more. A yearly event all hot rod enthusiasts should attend.

September 11 and the Dangers of Radicalism

I think it’s very important to remember the tragic events of 9/11, and pay our respects to the thousands of Americans who lost their lives that day. I think it’s more important that we recognize the lesson that 9/11 should teach us: Radicalism in any form is dangerous. It’s great to have our individual beliefs that we hold near and dear; it’s another thing to use those beliefs as an excuse to make it okay to commit crimes.

The Ugly Side of the Royal Family

Lately, there has been so much press on the death of the Queen of England. The royal family that so many see as icons have more skeletons in the closet than most drug cartels. They are the epitome of social class warfare with an ancestral history of horrific human abuses and atrocities. The most recent of those atrocities is the pedophilia and coverup of such crimes committed by Prince Andrew and former Prince Charles, who is now the reigning King. These individuals should be in prison not in elite positions of power.

Words and Thoughts Can Impact Your Life

Our brains are constantly listening to and recording every word we speak and thought we think. This input plays a key role in our health and wellness, as well as the health and wellness of those with whom we interact. We should be mindful of what comes out of our mouths.

Joseph McCarthy and the Fight Against Communism

During the early 1950s, a man named Joseph McCarthy began leading the fight against the communist infiltration of our government, entertainment industry, and universities. Although he was a sitting U.S. Senator, he was persecuted for his efforts. We now know that everything he claimed was a fact. For too long, the communist movement has been disguised as a socialist movement. In 1960, the plan was laid out in a speech by Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union. It’s time for America to wake up to what’s happening.

Make Yours the Greatest Generation

Creating the next greatest generation. The greedy oppressive forces trying to dominate our world really haven’t changed much over the last 2,000 years. It’s time for patriotic Americans to begin fighting back. Not with weapons to destroy each other, but by creating a new generation of children instilled with self-esteem and pride who understand the value of liberty and freedom for all.

Blatant White House Lie: The Economy is Stronger Than Ever

Much of what we hear coming out of Washington and the Main Stream Media is blatant misinformation. It will only continue until we, the people, start calling these individuals out, including turning off the news stations that are pushing these bucket-loads of manure. Citizens have more power than they think. By eliminating these channels from your T.V. selector, we can put these organizations out of business.

Help Your Pet Stay Comfortable After Surgery or Spaying

We learn something new every day. A discussion about pet care and something my son introduced me to that can make your pet more comfortable after an operation or spaying.

Being a Strong Conservative Without Being a Jerk

You can attract more flies to honey than vinegar. We have to avoid using inflammatory remarks when communicating our beliefs and opinions with others, especially those we are trying to bring into the conservative fold.

Ponies in the Station Wagon

A fun childhood memory. It’s comforting to be reminded that although the world around us has changed dramatically, once in a while we’re still reminded of the simplicity of it all.
