Words and Thoughts Can Impact Your Life

Our brains are constantly listening to and recording every word we speak and thought we think. This input plays a key role in our health and wellness, as well as the health and wellness of those with whom we interact. We should be mindful of what comes out of our mouths.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks, welcome back J.C. here. And today's message is about being very careful what we say, what comes out of our mouth, what words we utter and the importance of the words we utter and how much it can impact and affect our lives. Our daily lives and our long-term lives as well. Now, me personally, just through a lesson that I learned from my father. I wouldn't call it a pleasant one and I'll explain it towards the end of this podcast. So you get the rest of the story, but I believe we've all heard a friend, a family member, an associate say, this day's gonna suck, or man, tomorrow's gonna be a tough day at work. Or the people that are prematurely aging, because they're constantly talking about how old they're getting or how old they feel. And really what that individual is doing is already predisposing themselves and setting the tone for their day, as opposed to saying, Hey, it's gonna be challenged tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll make it through it. Or tomorrow's gonna be a great day or looking in the mirror on a regular basis saying, wow, am I youthful? Wow. Am I looking younger each and every day? Wow. Am I feeling great today? I tend to want to wake up in the morning, believing my day is going to be amazing and that everything is gonna work out for me. And typically it does. And for the days that it doesn't, there's usually a lesson for me in it That's gonna make me better. So I'm always looking forward to the positive in days, but we all know that individual that just dooms their day from the beginning, constant. For some people, it's a bad habit that can have drastic effects on our health, our personal wellbeing, our state of mind. As humans we have, what's called a conscious mind. That's our active mind during the day, and is typically controlled by our will thoughts and environment. But we also have this very powerful mind that sits in the background constantly at work called the subconscious. And the subconscious mind is many times more powerful than the conscious mind experts say that we use a very small portion of our brain throughout the day in a cognitive state. That means the awake alive state, but that our subconscious mind is constantly recording. Every single aspect of our day, it never forgets anything. And it also is willing to believe anything that it's told enough times, repetitiveness trains, the subconscious mind. So experts will tell you to be very careful about the stuff you listen to and be extremely careful about the things that come out of our mouths, because our subconscious mind, if it comes out of our mouth, oftentimes believes it. Even if it's not true, or even if it's something in the. Bottom line is our subconscious minds without us even knowing it can sabotage our day and can affect our health and all kinds of conditions, because it's constantly playing in the background waiting to take control for those who remember Dick Clark used to have a saying that he used frequently Music can shape a generation. And what he was talking about is if you look at the music that individuals are listening to throughout a certain generation and the language, their actions will begin to mimic whatever that language in that music is. That's why it is very dangerous to allow our children to constantly be listening to music and headphones or playing video games to what we don't know. What's in. There's a lot of very subversive individuals out there that work for big tech that are very nefarious and do not have good intention. We know that a lot of things that are happening in this country and in this world are being caused by negative programming that many do not even know exist. And it's all around us. Look at some of the Disney subversion where they have found really heinous images and sexual content in advertising that goes out to our toddlers and our very young. And they always claim they didn't know anything about it, but it's becoming more and more frequent and commonplace. Every day point being is that our subconscious minds are just extremely powerful. It's an understanding how it works and how it becomes programmed, that we understand how we can better utilize it as a tool to benefit us and not. Let it be a detriment in our lives. A good example of the function of the subconscious mind and how it serves as a protection and safety tool for us, even when we don't realize it is when you're driving down the road. And you're just not really paying attention to what you're doing on the road, drift off in thought or maybe another action. Sometimes you're eating. Or paying attention to the phone and not paying attention to the road as much as you should. And you get to your destination and you just can't remember how you got there. That's your subconscious mind taking over for you? It's actually in control and it is driving the vehicle because it's been taught how to drive a vehicle and the mind controls all of your actions, physical. As well as emotional, another example would be when certain events occur that remind you of a previous event, you might break into tears or have a reaction that you really don't understand. It was just a natural reaction, but that's the subconscious mind at play. It is just extremely powerful. And for many virtually controls their entire lives without an individual being fully aware of what's really happen. And the subconscious mind is very sneaky. It'll take control at any point in which you are not present in the moment. And that's why you'll hear some of the great speakers talking about always being present in the moment, paying attention to what's going on happening in your lives, around you at all times. I often cringe when I hear a parent tell a young child who's sniffling, oh, that's your allergies kicking in? They don't know if the child has allergies. They're just assuming it cuz maybe they had allergies, but they're planting that seed. And the next thing you know, that child wakes up with severe allergies and doesn't know why it's because they've been programmed to have allergies. And that happens with many what we call psychosomatic illnesses that people develop throughout their lifetimes. I recently had a very close friend, tell me they were gonna go get a bio scan, which was gonna predetermine what their genetic structure was and what their predisposed to end up with in their lifetime, in the form of diseases. And I just caution people stay away from that stuff. It's not correct. We are not predisposed to anything. The medical industry would love you to believe that because it just provides them another cancer patient or disease charge you money to cure. But we are not predisposed to anything. Our genetics can change. We can change those using our mind. It's a thing called epigenetics. If you wanna look it up as very powerful stuff, as well as the cells in our body constantly rejuvenate themselves too new throughout our lifetime. I don't believe in blanket statements and not all of them. There's some very great doctors out there, but there are also many who have been sold out to the pharmaceutical industry. And a lot of 'em don't even have a choice with the high cost of malpractice insurance, trying to pay back their school debt doctors fall into. The debt trap and big pharma comes in and sweeps 'em up with all kinds of promises of great stuff and all kinds of money. If they push their pills and a lot of them fall for it. And at that point, they're not looking out for your best interest. They're looking out for their own best interest and we see it more and more every day in the world. We live now, big pharma. Definitely is not looking out for your best interest and they play a great role in programming people. It's why all the commercials about after turning 50 things are gonna start falling off, dropping off. You're not gonna be healthy. And if you wanna live a long, healthy life, you gotta stop falling for all that garbage and stay as far away from doctors and hospitals and medications and things of that nature, you'll live a much more healthy, prosperous life. That's not saying the medical industry doesn't have a purpose in this world, but it's wrongly used and it's abused many times. I believe COVID and the vaccines is a perfect example of that, but that's up for dispute. And I know some of you feel strongly about your vaccines and all is, well, I don't have the need to argue with you over that. I am 58 years old, but personally, I don't think that I'm a day over 35, to be honest with you. I feel wonderful. I feel the best that I've ever felt I'm healthier than I ever was. And yes, I do encounter little aches and pains once in a while, but that's normal for anybody that does the rigors. I. I am a very physically active individual and I stay that way. I work with motorcycles. I ride dirt bikes. I ride jet skis. We ride standup jet skis and we have a blast at it. I work with my horses. So there's some days that I have to go out and load a hundred bales of hay and unload them into my barn. And yes, it's very strenuous and I am gonna sweat. And oftentimes I'll wake up feeling it the next day, but it's no different than a day at the gym for me. And that's something to pay attention to is live your life. Stop listening to how. Who are stop paying attention to that next birthday, just live and be as strong as you can mentally. And you will be very strong. Physically. My mother died back in April and my mother lived to be 86 years old. She was an alcoholic from a young age to age 60 and smoked like a chimney all her life. I remember growing up. I never thought she'd actually make it to 50. It's a horrible thing when you're a young kid and you know, your mom is so drunk, you think she's gonna die in the middle of the night or drop her cigarette and burn the house down, which thankfully she never did that. But I did witness my mom dragging her mattress to the house in a fury because she had set it on fire, falling asleep, smoking after being drunk. But my mother in her lifetime, she quit drinking at 60. She lived to be 86 years old and in her lifetime, Aside from spending a day and a half in the hospital for a single medical procedure. And time spent in the hospital, having children. My mother was never in the hospital. She was very rarely sick. She never got the COVID vaccine. She went into the hospital, passed in five days and slept throughout 98% of those five days. She smoke. Right up until she went in the hospital in her final days and she actually did not need the assistance of oxygen while she was in the hospital. The doctors were absolutely amazed. We used to think she was like George Burns, but it taught me a lot because my mother never thought about getting sick. She never thought about getting ill. She just never had time for that stuff. And we were so blessed that after she quit drinking, she lived another 25 productive years as a productive part of our family living on her. we're just truly blessed. So one of the most valuable lessons my mother taught me was something I call mind over matter. If you don't mind, doesn't matter. And that's been one of my mantras throughout my entire life, and it works. It's successful. It's a way to be successful. It's a way to live the life you choose and set life on your own terms because we have that ability. If we recognize the power of our minds, the power of our thoughts, the power of our intentions and direct our thoughts wise. And to our benefit. The point of this podcast is just to tell you that if you're very careful about the thoughts that you carry around, you're very careful about what you actually believe coming out of the mouth of the media, the pharmaceutical industry. If you set the tone for your day, your week, your month, your year, your life. With positive thoughts and positive things coming out of your mouth, that you can live a great and productive life and have everything working out for you pretty much in your direction. And it's just because we think in the right direction, that's how powerful the mind is. It doesn't mean we're gonna not hit some rough spots along the way. Absolutely. Everybody's hit rough spots. I'm glad that I grew up in poverty and hard times that I suffered from as a child, because it really set the tone for me, where it's really difficult for me to have a rough day, because for some reason, I always remember what a rough day really was like and nothing that I've been encountering in my lifetime since I came out of poverty has been comparable to it. So I don't have really rough days. I feel truly blessed and. Amazing amount of gratitude for each and every breath that I take, as well as learning the mind of her matter lesson that my mother taught me just because the way that she lived and the life that she lived. I also learned a lot from my father and there was also things I learned from both parents. That were not so good that I did not choose to emulate or carry on. And it took me a while to overcome those things and change those in my life. So I didn't carry those bad habits into being a father myself. I call those the generational curses are the ancestral curses. And I think that's something we all need to do at some point in our lives is look back and figure out what the good, the bad and the ugly and the great was and separate those and make sure that you're passing on the great and the good and. Not the ugly and the bad, but my father. Who was my hero in many ways throughout my lifetime, he was a very driven man. He was just a very powerful presence and everybody knew it. He was very stout individual, very honorable carried, a lot of honor and integrity. He woke up very early. Every single day of his life. And he was just a force of positive energy. He believed that if you set your mind to something and you were willing to work at it, you could accomplish it. Just a very powerful horse of a human with the stoutness to back it up. But my father also had a very strong element of control. He was a very disciplined individual. And the only time that you would ever see my father drop that level of discipline is if something completely ticked him off or enraged him. Now, we found out in later years, what PTSD was all about. And we realized that my father had suffered from PTSD very severely throughout his lifetime because of experiences that he had as a pow in Korea, which were. Truly horrific, but my father, if you did get him ticked off, he would scream at the world. If it was something that was caused by us as kids, which kids, my dad really never thought about as kids, we were kinda like his little soldiers and we were in training, but if it got really ticked off, he'd turn into a drill Sergeant. And one of the things that he was known for saying is one of these days, you're gonna cause me to have a stroke. Ironically, my father passed that 78 from a massive stroke. He had predicted it all his life. And it actually manifested itself. So what my father taught me is a lot of great things, but the one thing that stands out in my mind is just to be very careful what we say, because it will manifest itself in our lives. If we give it enough time. Parents. We've gotta be very careful how we're programming our children's minds from very young age and be careful that we're not planting seeds that will be disasters for them in their lifetimes. Just like my allergy example. So words are important. We just have to realize how. Powerful words are in affecting our lives and the lives of others. And if you're very careful and you pay attention and train yourself to catch the bad stuff that you're saying or thinking and correct it immediately, you can really determine the destiny of your lifetime. That's basically all I have to say in this podcast. I hope you've enjoyed it. I hope you learned something and I hope you got some food for thought for your life. this is J.C. Owens and I am out of here.

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