Help Your Pet Stay Comfortable After Surgery or Spaying

We learn something new every day. A discussion about pet care and something my son introduced me to that can make your pet more comfortable after an operation or spaying.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks. Welcome back. I wanted to do a short podcast here today for pet owners, hopefully pet lovers, these little free creatures that keep us company. We treat ours like family. I treat my dogs like kids. I treat my horses like kids, although, you have to discipline 'em sometimes I discipline them kindly. I treat 'em with the utmost respecting care and I get the same back from. For any of you, listen to my podcast. I have horses and love horsemanship and working with the horses is very stress relieving, and I love it. And also have three dogs. I have Very large golden doodle. Who's actually black. She's 13 years old. You'd never know it. She actually, she's a teenager. She weighs about a hundred and maybe a hundred, 510 pounds. And I also have a standard bread poodle, which I got to keep my golden doodle company when I thought she was getting old. And. Standard. Bread's about 80 pounds. And I also ended up with a dog because my 20 year old son went out and got himself an American bully, which when your 20 year old son goes out and gets a dog with all that he has going on in life, girls work fun. as a dad, you end up with a dog. And the good thing is that she's an awesome dog. She really is. She's just a little snuggle muffin. If you don't know anything about the bulldog breeds, I know there's a lot of talk out there and I can understand why communities and housing, apartment complexes and things like that tend to want band them. But that's because of bad owners, bad trainers, people teaching dogs, bad habits. It has nothing to do with the breed whatsoever. Bulldogs pit bulls, American bullies can be some of the most wonderful dogs that you could ever imagine. They're friendly. They're kind, they're very loving and extremely loyal. It's just that people bring them up. To do the wrong things oftentimes, and it's a shame because it's never, the dog's fought. It's always the owner's fought and I've had many over the years and they've all been just wonderful dogs. just recently I waited till. The little bully. She's now a year old, but a few months ago, she went through her first heat. And I'm not gonna go through that again. It's just ridiculous having to run around, putting a diaper on a dog, and I think responsible dog ownership. If you're not a dog breeder, get your dogs fixed. Get your cats fixed, get 'em spade so that they're not running around having puppies that you have to figure out how to find homes for, because that's never good for anybody and especially not the animals. I made an appointment to go get her spade and took her over and dropped her off and went and picked her up. And I'm old school. I try to pay attention to as much as I can, sometimes I am not current, I guess you would call it, but I picked her up and when they spay an animal, they typically will put a cone on its head. And boy, it's God awful for the animal. It's God awful for the human picking the animal up, because just try to get. A good size dog into a vehicle with that cone on their head, like to tear the vehicle up. but we got her in and brought her home and I was, supposed to give her a day of rest. So she has a large kennel. I put her in and, but she was having a heck of a time with that cone. And. My 12 year old says, dad, we need to get her a donut. And I'm like a donut, what's a donut. And he says, they sell these donuts. They're like blow up inner tubes and you put it and attach it to her collar. And it acts as the same fashion as the cone. And it's just more comfortable for 'em and it doesn't get in their way as much. And I thought that's a good idea. So that's what we did. We went down to the local pet store. Bought her donut. And I can tell you putting that donut on her. First of all, she is so much more happier and comfortable. It actually acts as a pillow for her, cuz she's spending a lot of time sleeping right now. It also gives her mobility and functionality so that she can eat her food and she can drink out of her water bowl, which I didn't know how that was gonna take place with that goofy cone. I don't even know why they have those things. To be honest with you, it, it seems like animal abuse. You think vets, I guess it's cost factor and a lot of folks don't wanna spend the money. I don't know what that donut cost. I think it was about $35, that's the best $35 I've ever spent to make my dog comfortable. She's happily recovering from getting spade. So just a short podcast to say that for anybody that's out there, getting their dog spade, get a donut, do not let them put that cone and If I'd have known about it, I would've buy the donut ahead of time and it can be put on at the vet right after she spayed. And that way, when you pick her up, she's wearing her donut it's just a more comfortable situation for the animal. And it will be a lot easier for you as a pet owner to help 'em in the recovery over the next few days that you have to really pay a lot attention to 'em and watch what they do. Hey, if you're a pet owner, congrats. There's just nothing better than having great companions. Sometimes I'd rather spend time around my dogs and horses and humans, but I guess that's why I'm a podcaster. I'm sitting here behind this microphone. Hey, y'all have a great day. And this is J.C. Owens and I am outta here.

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