Nourish & Thrive by Treating Your Body Right

Discover the key to vitality and clear skin through mindful nutrition and fitness. Break free from unhealthy habits and embrace a simple mantra: treat your body well, see incredible results.

J.C. Owens:

Hey friends, J.C. here and just preparing my meals before I hit the gym. And I wanna have a short talk about what I believe to be a really simple approach to health and fitness. And it's called, you treat me well, I treat you well. And that's simple in any relationship, right? But how many of y'all take that approach towards your body, your health and fitness, what you're consuming each day in the form of food? We definitely have an obesity problem in this nation, and it's getting worse and worse. Now we know a lot of that's caused by the foods that we're eating or forced to eat because there's no regulation out there anymore. But there's simple things that we can do to ensure that we're eating properly, and we're not just walking into the convenience store and grabbing all that garbage that they're trying to feed us. You can eat healthy. You just gotta put a little effort into it, and your body will respond well to it. You put the right things in. Your body's gonna treat you well by showing you the results. If you're getting enough exercise each day, your body's gonna show you the results. If you eat right, a lot of skin problems will go away. We have an epidemic of, bad skin out there. Don't go buy products off the shelf. Start feeding your body the proper nutrition and it will respond well and complexions will clear up and acne will go away, and things like that. Most stuff is caused internally and then we see it externally. So whatever you put into your body, you start seeing on the outside. And that's why folks get overweight. They're putting the wrong stuff in their body. They're seeing it in excess fat. So simple relationship, eat properly, exercise and get enough rest. My microwaves beeping at me, I gotta go 'cause it gets annoying after a minute. But hey, that's a simple thing. You treat me well, I treat you well. Start applying that to your body and you will see the results. And it's not something that's gonna take a long time. It will be instant. Okay. Hey, this is J.C. and I am out of here.

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