The Ugly Side of the Royal Family

Lately, there has been so much press on the death of the Queen of England. The royal family that so many see as icons have more skeletons in the closet than most drug cartels. They are the epitome of social class warfare with an ancestral history of horrific human abuses and atrocities. The most recent of those atrocities is the pedophilia and coverup of such crimes committed by Prince Andrew and former Prince Charles, who is now the reigning King. These individuals should be in prison not in elite positions of power.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks. Welcome back Jac here. And today, I want to talk a little bit about the death of the queen of England and the Royal family in particular. It's the year 2022. And we're still recognizing a queen of England, a prince. That sounds like a lot of opportunity for discrimination to me for class warfare, something I believe has been destroying. The ability of humans to get along on this planet throughout history. And I do recognize that the king and her prince sons and prince Charles now becoming the king, don't actually roll anything, but they do have a lot of influence over parliament to this very day, and they do help mold social issues, and overall have a lot of influence worldwide, but in recognizing the Royal family. Let's examine what we're really talking about, what we're really giving honor and homage to. Now we know that the English royalty and the throne in particular throughout history was responsible for lots of takeovers, lots of attacks, lots of killings, maybe not in modern days, but look at the history of the Royal family. It's littered with massacres that were done on the Scottish and. anybody that disagreed with the English. They were a very dominant force throughout history. The British Royal Navy we know was very much responsible for aiding pirates so that the. the English throne could reap the benefits and they never got blamed for the crimes because everybody thought it was the pirates that were stealing from other countries and robbing their ships of goods and riches. There's a lot of historical data to substantiate that claim. And also they've made movies about it and people love those movies and I'll admit they're fun to watch, but it was tyranny. It was theft, it was corruption and it was a dominant British throne. Taken advantage of other nations, although it's not as popular to teach anymore, Americans should all remember the iron fist rule of the British, because we went through the revolutionary war, fighting the British to build this nation to found America and America was founded on religious freedoms and liberties because the colonist wanted to escape the rule. Of the British and look how many people died in the revolutionary war, in the process of founding America and creating a nation of freedom and Liberty for all, and the signing of the declaration of independence, which freed the colonies from British rule. But it was not an easy fight. The British wanted to maintain control. They've done that in many nations as a patriotic American, I believe. Remembering the British throne for all of the atrocities they committed throughout history is important. So it doesn't happen again. Look at what they did to the Scottish. On my father's side, I am Scottish. The British came into villages, raped to women and slaved individuals. That's why the movie brave part was written. So the English have never been. On my favorites list. And I'm not talking about the average English citizen. I'm talking about the royalty of England, the queen, the Kings, the individuals that thought they had the right to dominate enslave, rape and pillage others because they were special. But today. Dignitaries from all over the world, citizens are all paying respect to the queen. She died at age 96. Now the Queen's position in England today is just one of a figurehead. She did a lot of waving. She went in a lot of parades and she was a symbol of old British rule and the throne. But what concerns me is now prince Charles, her son. a known pedophile is gonna become the king and his wife will become a queen. And then all the ones underneath will they'll move up in a step in the position. But prince Charles wasn't, he implicated in the Epstein scandal quite heavily. Wasn't he the one that loaned his pedophile brother, 7 million that he loaned to prince Andrew so that the headlines would go away and more attention. Wouldn't be drafted towards prince Charles himself over claims of pedophilia on Epstein island. And no, none of this is conspiracy theory. It was exposed. And then there was a coverup. If you want to talk about power, the coverup was done by a us judge that ordered all records of prince Charles to be sealed from public view. So the citizens could not find out any information about this sickos assault on innocent children, but we'll never know the truth because he uses his money and position of power. to pay off and hide scandals. And now this man's going to be a king. I believe we have to question the motives of the judge that made this decision to have this information stricken from the record hidden from public view, claiming that it was not relevant put under wraps because it wasn't supposedly relevant. I think it's damned relevant. I think the fact that a man named prince Charles who thinks that he's in the latest. That thinks he's better than everybody is able to utilize his money to cover up the fact that he was probably having sex with children. We know his brother was, it was a big shake up in the Royal family. They didn't want anybody talking about it. It was supposed to be kept under wraps, but media has a way of releasing information. And now this man's gonna parade around and be called a. and what I have found, typically, if you do a little studying is pedophiles or pedophiles, they don't stop that stuff. They don't get better. They say they don't even get better if you castrate. 'em the only way that they get better is upon their death. And we see a lot of that in United States where they'll release a pedophile and he'll just go on to commit a worse crime and a worse crime, and finally ends up murdering some innocent. and the lives that they destroy, but this is a man who has a lot of power. When you are a prince or a king, you have huge power. You have huge political power. You have the power to make almost anything go away. I remember a handful of years ago when princess Diana was involved in a fatal car accident, that was a scandalous situation for the Royal family. And they did all kinds of covering up. There was a lot of rumors that the Royal family had a lot to do with that, that they never really liked Diana and that she was too powerful for them. And they didn't like that power that she yielded just because she was a nice person, to be honest with you. But the Royal family, I have no respect whatsoever for them. I have no respect for any type of monarchy or any individual that thinks that they are well BR and better than everybody else, that they can stand there and dictate policy and principle and social agendas. These people are pompous They've been responsible for nothing. Good. But a whole lot of bad throughout history and the fact that we're still recognizing them in 2022 as the Royal family, I think is shameful. I really think it's despicable. I think it goes against every principle of the United States of our nation. We call America because we believe inequality, freedom, Liberty, and justice for all. But when you're a prince, those rules don't apply because you can buy your way of anything because of your power position. We have the same problem going on in our country. We have elitist politicians that are worth hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. They didn't start out that way, but they manage to steal a lot in insider trading in the stock market. They get into positions of power and roll, and then they act like they're Kings and Queens. Nancy. Pelosi's one of those. She recently used her position of power to get her husband a slap on the wrist. After he caused an accident, drunk driving, any one of us, would've gotten three times the sentence he got and the cover up of who was the passenger in his vehicle that night. Biden's one of those, although I'm not sure Biden's cognitive enough to recognize what's going on Obama. He was one of those. Man started out with very little and now he's worth a gazillion dollars. And he thinks that, he should be able to dictate and run the country from his little Chateau there. It's probably, I think what 15, 20,000 square foot mansion in the Cape. How about the Royal Bush family? And I say that jokingly. But we had president Bush, two of them, and they was okay to invade other nations for the sake of stealing oil, using the American military, a very powerful force against other nations, making up lies that there were weapons of mass destruction. So they could invade that nation so that him and Dick Chaney could just steal billions of dollars and oil rewards. and he was never charged with anything. And I think that family should have been charged with war crimes, but they never were. As a matter of fact, George Bush for some is a. I won't even get started on the George sorrows of the world. But point being is we've gotta get away from recognizing these people as being special. We gotta get away from worshiping or hero worshiping these elitist that aren't going any good for anybody except for themselves, and getting away with a whole bunch of crimes in the process. So I'm not gonna be paying my respects to the queen or any part of the Royal. I think they're all despicable. They're racketeers, they're Robert barons, but the Royal family, they have stolen throughout history. Back in the day, they had the surf system where you didn't own anything. You were basically a slave to the throne and that family has just continually been recognized. I think it's a travesty. I think the fact that king or prince Charles is now gonna be king Charles, and he's a pedo. And it's pretty much proven. Although a lot of it's been covered up his brother's a pedophile. These are sick individuals. And when you put a sick individual in power and control, you give him enough money to buy themselves out of anything that they get into. We see a lot of problems, rest in peace queen, the rest of your family, tree's a bunch of sickos. they're not gonna get better. And all you've done is assisted them in becoming sicker because the more power they get, the sicker they get. Hey, that's all I have to say about that. Just think it's ridiculous to recognize these degenerate as anything special. Hey, I hope y'all have a great day. J.C. wins and I am outta here.

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