Harnessing the Superpower of Spoken Words

Discover the incredible superpower we all possess – the spoken word! Use your voice to spread positivity, uplift others, and change the world. #SpokenWordSuperpower #PositiveCommunication

JC Owens:

Hey friends, J. C. here, and I want to do a quick podcast before I go into the house about something that I've been really thinking about recently, and it's the power of the spoken word. And to me, that is the superpower that we're all blessed with. We're all blessed with the ability to communicate, and we can do it in a positive manner or a negative manner. And I think oftentimes we don't catch ourselves when we're doing it in a negative manner. but the power of the word, it's just so powerful. Think about, the fact that, word has it that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. I love that passage and I'm not even a Bible guy. I believe in an amazing creator. I believe we have amazing creator that created the universe for us to dwell in for this journey. And, but the power of the word, we've all been given it. And I think it is a superpower that is beyond Superpowers if it's learned and perfected how to use it properly. I was a seminar speaker for many years and I was trained on how to change minds change, feelings change, emotions. using the power of the word, and I was reminded of that just this morning, walking into Starbucks. I was walking into Starbucks, and there was a gal that was walking, and she's an older gal, and she was walking slow, and I was holding the door open. She said, Oh, don't worry. It takes me a while to get there. And I said, Don't worry, ma'am. I said, I'm waiting for you. I opened the one door for her, and then all of a sudden I said, Oh, let me get that next door for you. And she said what do I owe this pleasure to? And I said, Sometimes I just like to hold the door for beautiful ladies. And boy, you should have seen the glow on her face. A smile from ear to ear. And it just made me snicker to myself thinking about how powerful it is just to say something nice to another individual, complete stranger, and you can brighten their day and just make them feel like they're just walking ten feet tall. And that's what we should do as often as possible. We should get away from, gossip. We should get away from talking about others because energy it projects whether you understand it or not, when you speak something, if you're gossiping about others, you're really bringing some bad juju onto yourself. So I try not to do that ever. What I want to do is I want to edify, I want to build, I want to encourage, I want to lift people with the things that I say, and I perfected that as a seminar speaker, and it was very successful, and helped me have a really great career. I encourage my sons all the time. I always tell them, I remember, my son saying, Dad, what do you think I should do when I'm older? I don't know, do whatever makes you feel good, that you enjoy, that's good and wholesome. I also added that I think that if you want to develop one skill that will serve you throughout anything that you choose to do or be, learn how to communicate properly, and I've been so proud of my sons on so many occasions, I would take them on the road to work with me and just in general, so many people have come up to me over the years and said, wow, Your sons communicate so well at such young ages and I always took huge pride in that because I think it's so important. So short message, you want to change the world? Be the change by speaking positively into the universe, speaking positively towards others. Compliment as many people as you can and do it in a positive, sincere manner, and you will change lives. You will change the lives of those around you. And it's just inevitable that energy will come back to you and serve you well as, you go through life. But just use your voices, folks. It is the superpower everybody's been blessed with. I think it's actually a superpower that most people take for granted and don't pay attention to. I use it all the time. Sometimes I'm driving down the road and I'll just call somebody up and I'll just say something nice to them just because I want to feel that energy of brightening other's days. And if you're not doing that, try it. It's amazing. Every morning, make it a habit that you're going to compliment at least one. Two, three people, and you'd be surprised the positive effects when you see those smiles resonating on you, and it makes you feel great, it makes others feel great, and it's easy to do, and then you've discovered one of the true superpowers that we've been blessed with. And now you're using it to change the world around you with positive energy. Hey, that's all I have to say. This is J. C. I hope you're having a fantastic day. I hope this message resonates for some of you or maybe all of you, but use your superpower, the spoken word. Okay? Hey, I am out of here.

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