Political Differences Should Not Divide Us

We’re always going to be able to find differences in others, but maybe it’s time we start finding what we have in common and spend more time focusing on that. The political environment in this country has gotten downright evil, and I think dangerous. But we, as citizens, can be better than that. Because fortunately, we all share something in coming: We are all Americans who want the best for our loved ones, and most importantly, for our children.

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Hey friends, welcome back. JC Owens here. It's the late night podcasts that I'm doing. I was going to go to bed and I was brushing my teeth and sometimes thoughts pop into my head. And I started thinking about topics and subjects that I should probably do for tomorrow's podcast, but I wasn't tired. So I thought I'd kick one out tonight. And I wanted to talk about something that just weighs very heavy on. The more I think about it. And it's the fact that, growing up, let's turn back the clock 40 years, we didn't see all this infighting, let's call it where there was absolute, hatred. Among Democrats and Republicans and such the stain for each other. And granted, the liberals have gotten a lot stronger over the years. I have a sister who's liberal. I don't have. I don't understand her. I don't understand what the heck she's thinking half the time. Sometimes she'll call me up and she'll get on one of her political rants. And she'll literally be screaming at me on the phone. She does that to all our family members and she does it cause we're all conservative and she's not. And usually you end up having to hang up on her and maybe you don't talk for a little bit, but sooner or later you get back to talking just like nothing ever happened. And it's interesting when I was younger. That's how politics was. I come from an area that was predominantly Democrat. The central democratic club is where everybody hung out. I used to go there as a, a young man when I wanted a beer with some friends and all the folks that I was sitting there with. A good portion of them that say were very staunch Democrats. They came from a long history of Democrats or my daddy was a Democrat. My grandpa was a Democrat and I'm a Democrat. but we didn't discuss politics back then we just left it alone. We knew that, around voting time, we were all going to vote for different people. But I'm really not that sure that back when I was a kid. That there was that much difference between a Democrat and Republican, because the one thing we all had in common was we were all Americans we all got along and we understood that, life had its successes and it had its struggles. Eighties, a lot of people are just trying to put their lives back together because the seventies was a pretty rough recession in the area that I'm from, but we didn't fight over politics. Political conversations, we had them, they were pretty reasonable conversations where you might express a viewpoint and somebody else would express their viewpoint. But we didn't want to beat each other up over it. We didn't want to burn down each other's houses overhead. we had a firm understanding that we had to stick together no matter what, because we understood who the opposing team was. And even way back then the opposing team was the government who was always seeking more control. if you think about what it was like 40 years ago, when we actually as citizens. How did pretty going in the good direction compared to now where it's just an absolute disaster. And we see political parties making decisions with nothing of the citizen in mind spreading hatred and all kinds of violence and rhetoric. And I'm not just saying this, the Democrats, the Republicans do it in their own rank. But the Democrats, I believe have turned into a terrorist organization. If they don't like something that goes on in this country, if they don't like a Supreme court ruling or they don't like something that happened around the country, they mobilize protestors and they're all paid protestors, although I'm sure there's some stragglers that are trying to get along.


But these protesters, we see absolute paid violence. We saw it, a year or so ago. They were running around, burning down cities with no ramifications. But I find that the politicians in Washington are just breeders of hate corruption, dissension. Their entire goal is to separate the population of this country and make us hate each other. And you see it every single day with all types of issues right now, it's the abortion issue and Roe V. Wade last year, it was the race issue. frankly, I think that what they did last year with the race issue just created so much hatred amongst citizens that ordinarily one hate each other. But let's face it. If you're a normal citizen and you're not a racist and you see people burning down cities and then salting and beading and stabbing and killing people over race issues. That you don't even understand because you don't think in those terms, of course, you're going to have some animosity. So I think just in the last, since Obama, frankly, Obama, the candidate of hope and change with the exact opposite, he was a race Bader. He was anti-American. I think his primary goal was to destroy this country and he set the wheels in motion. And a lot of the stuff that Obama started many years ago was still rolling and in a very destructive manner. And it's probably going to continue to, it destroys the country, but we as citizens, we have to be smarter. We've got to work harder at finding common ground. And not always seeing what separates us, because there's always going to be things that separate us. We're always going to have our own opinions. And I think that's, what's great about this country is at one time we were allowed to have opinions. Now, if you have an opinion, that is opposed by the Democrats and I have to call them out on this. Yes. But if you've a opinion, that's opposed by that liberal left or the Democrats. Your business could be attacked. You could be attacked. You pick a candidate that the left doesn't like, and you wear a shirt or a hat promoting that candidate. You could be attacked on the streets. Your home could be attacked. Your vehicle could be attacked for having the wrong bumper sticker, but we have citizens. We have to stop this stuff. We've got to get smarter. We've got to look at others and just understand we're all in this together. The outcome of it. All, whatever happens in this country is going to affect all of our children and we've got to be rational thinkers, and we're not going to find that some are able to do that, but I think the general population can, and I still think whether you're Democrat or Republican, you can actually find somewhere in the middle that afforded. The opportunity to get along. And so that's all got a podcast about tonight. It's been weighing heavy on me. I know right now we just had the Republican primary here to see who the candidate is going to run against the Democrats. And we'll see how the upcoming election goes. But hopefully we don't have the violence that we've seen in the past few years. And hopefully people are getting smart. And the realizing that your neighbor is not the enemy, the individual that you work with is not the enemy because they have a different opinion. We're all entitled to those opinions. That's what this country was founded on. And I think that if we start looking for common ground, we'll get along better and believe me, that's going to really activate and agitate the powers that be because that's not their goal and intention. But I think we should have a different goal. my olive leaf to any Democrat out there is if you like, what's going on in your country and you're going to vote for it again, fine. If you don't like what you see in your country, maybe we have some alternatives on our side that you might be interested in, but I'm not going to beat you up for the way you believe. I'm not going to attack you. I'm not going to insult you. I'm not going to burn your home down. Because just because you're a registered Democrat doesn't mean you're my enemy. All I hope is that you implore rational thinking and educated thinking when you're voting and I'm going to do the same thing. And we might not always agree, but we can always agree to disagree. Hey, that's all I have to say, folks. I hope you have a great day because when this podcast is launched, it's going to be. I'm going to hit the sack and give myself some shut eyes. Hey, this is JC Owens and I am out of here.

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