Make Yours the Greatest Generation

Creating the next greatest generation. The greedy oppressive forces trying to dominate our world really haven’t changed much over the last 2,000 years. It’s time for patriotic Americans to begin fighting back. Not with weapons to destroy each other, but by creating a new generation of children instilled with self-esteem and pride who understand the value of liberty and freedom for all.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks, J.C. Owens here. Welcome back. I was thinking about this this morning. It's hard to imagine that men like my father and many young men would actually lie about their age so that they could join the military early and go off to fight in wars on foreign soil, because they believed that would keep those wars from. Happening on our soil. It's how they were brought up. It's why they were called the greatest generation. I know many of you out there listening to this have had family and loved ones that did the very same. And so you understand what I'm talking about? My father was just one proud red, white, and blue American. He served in Korea was on a flight that got shot down, ended up being a P O w and they did escape. they survived and he ended up living a very good long life, but never lost his pride in this country. And what he fought for growing up, listening to my father talk is exactly why I am the way I am. Although I do not believe that the war that is being fought is gonna be fought with weapons. I believe that the current war that is taking place on American soil. And it's one of ideology. It's one where we have to decide whether the things of old were worth keeping. And I do believe that American values are worth keeping a belief in a creator, family, and country and pride. In all that we do, has there needed to be corrections along the way? Absolutely. One of the issues that I think that was just atrocity was slavery in this country, although we're not the only ones that had it, but I believe that equal rights and equal liberties should be something for all. That's what America is all about truly. And we've corrected many of those things and we're gonna have to constantly be aware of not falling back on some of the prejudices and beliefs that were not. But I believe that's what makes this country great is that we can improve and we're constantly improving. Or at least we were for many years until recent, but for those of us that believe in this great nation and that it should be a great place to live for all. We've gotta keep the spirit alive because the powers that be are trying to take and destroy this country from inside, what made the greatest generation, the greatest generat. It's because they were brought up believing that they lived in the greatest nation in the world and that it was worth defending now through our indoctrination, in the school systems and many years of filtration of communists getting into government positions, we don't teach that stuff anymore. So our children don't have it. Anywhere near the element of patriotism that we did when we were kids. I know my kids I bring 'em up understanding America. I bring 'em up, understanding everything that's happening. I don't let them be sheltered from it. I talk about it openly. I talk about the corruption. I talk about the fact that, there is sick individuals trying to infiltrate our school systems. They actually. And that they're pushing agendas that you don't have to agree with. You might have to overlook them, but don't ever have to agree with some of the sick stuff that we're seeing happening in our school system. we have got to maintain whether it is justified at this point or not our pride and belief in America and the greatness of the American dream and concept. Because if we don't, the enemy has one and given the opportunity, they will erase. Every concept, every tradition that we have ever held near and dear, why? Because these people believe in control. They believe in dominance and they believe in new world order and they want to take your freedoms away. They want you to feel like the dream is lost, because if they can make you feel like that, then you'll start acting like the dream is lost. And then you are ripe for the complete takeover. Whether you wanna believe it or not. Facts are facts. If you look at COVID COVID was just a test on how compliant they can make Americans become. And actually people of the world, there was so much behind COVID that many will never understand because they will not take the time to study what truly happened. But it was an attack. It was a virus that was created in a lab. Somehow it got leaked and it changed the world that we live in. But it doesn't have to change us. The government is out of control right now. It's in the hands of elitist whose sole purpose is to take down this nation. That's why all the talk about taking away your guns, our second amendment rights, because if it wasn't for the fact that Americans are armed, They would've already taken over this nation and you would be living under a thumb of tyranny, like never seen ever before in the world. Why? Because Americans have the largest concentration of wealth and our country has the largest concentration of natural resources in the world. Just the fact that we have clean drinking water resources is worth many countries wanting to take from. But friends, there are solutions. And I think there's many great people working on those solutions, but you've gotta get in the fight. And the way that you get in the fight is start taking pride in your country. Start taking pride in your community, start getting involved in your local politics and ensure that criminals do not get in office and start dictating the local rules and regulations in your community. Because that's where we start all of this. That's where the fight begins. That is our ground. Zero parents need to take responsibility for their children, need to make sure they're being educated properly with the right information and not this false doctrine that's being pushed in the schools. The woke crap. That's being jammed down our throats. We don't have to accept it, but even more than us not having to accept it, we need to make sure that our children understand that they don't have to accept it because they are the future of this country. So this podcast is all about, get engaged, get involved. I understand that you have a lot of hours that you. To spend at work and you're trying to make ends meet. And you're trying to figure out how to raise your kid and balance your work schedule. Spend time with your family, spend time talking, spend enough time, giving them a rational perspective and view of the world so that they understand and make decisions based on what they know to be right and wrong and not what is being jammed down their throats by these crazy liberal leftists. And that's how we save this nation folks. Hey, I've spoken enough on this. I'm going to get on with my day. I hope you have a great day and I hope you get engaged and get in the fight because it's not over. I believe this battle has just begun because we still live in the greatest nation in the world. this is J.C. Owens and I am out of here.

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