Living with Purpose—Making Every Moment Matter

Discover how infusing positivity into interactions and leaving a meaningful impact can transform your journey. Elevate your life, one moment at a time.


Hey friends, J.C. here top of the morning to you. Often, as many of you know, my podcast and what I talk about, the content come from conversations that I have with my son or other family members, or when I'm out in the public talking to folks and it just strikes ideas in my head about what I might wanna talk about. And today I wanna talk about making it matter. And when I talk about making it matter, what that means is that when we live a purposeful life and everything begins to matter to us, and I'm not talking in a stressful manner, I'm talking about making things matter to us, how we do things, how we accomplish things, how we're viewed, what do we care about, what do we wanna be remembered for, those type of things. When I leave a place of business or any interaction with other humans, I always want them to leave feeling better about the interaction than when we began. I want people's day to be better. I want them to feel good about our interactions, our conversations. I want my language to be positive so it inspires others as opposed to so many people walk around demotivating others. Putting people down, constantly talking, gossiping about others. I don't wanna be that person. I wanna be known to uplift people. I want to know that when I walk in a building, people smile because they know it's gonna be a positive experience interaction with me. And I think when we start living life like that, and that becomes precedent and it really matters to us. You'll see that it matters to others and people go out of their way to help you and to be around you and to promote you in any way that they can. And it's a great way to live. So make it matter everything, whether it's your work, whether it's your play, whether it's just a simple interaction in a store with somebody that you've never met before. Leave a good impression. Make a good impression, walk away with a good impression, and you'll find that your life changes in miraculous ways because people will gravitate to you because they love your positive energy, they love the upbeat attitude and it makes a difference. Hey, that's all I have to say. Simple conversation, making it matter. All right. Hey, this is J.C.. I'm outta here.

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