Boost Your Mental Health and Say Goodbye to Negativity 💆‍♂️

Discover the secrets to a happier life by avoiding negativity and embracing positivity. Learn how to protect your mental health and find joy in simple habits. Say YES to a brighter future! 🌟 #PositiveMindset #Happiness

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks, J. C. here and today I want to talk about emotional and mental health and how to improve it and stop making it worse. A lot of folks wake up and they want to turn on the news, they want to listen to the radio and catch the morning news on the way to work, and then they can't figure out why they're miserable. throughout the entire day. You're putting garbage into your head. You're worrying about things that you have no potential to change or affect. Why not focus on good stuff? If you think that there's a difference between CNN and Fox News, you're wrong. They're mainstream media, they're bought and sold, and they're made to create tension and stress, keep you unfocused on the things that are important. We do not live in a society in, at least in the United States, we don't live in a country that promotes good mental health. We don't live in a country that promotes good nutrition. We don't live in a country that promotes really anything good anymore. So it's up to you as an individual to decide what you're going to promote within your life, within your family, what you're going to promote to your children. I stay away from it. I do my morning chores, errands. I go to the stores. I very rarely will turn on the radio. Very rarely. And the reason for it is because I don't like the lyrics in most of the music. If you listen to the actual lyrics, it's just horrible. And I don't care what genre you listen to. Listen to country, listen to rap. That stuff is heinous. The fact that people are putting that into their heads is just mind boggling to me. But I do know that a lot of folks turn on the news the minute they wake up. They want to find out what's going on in the world. What in the hell are you going to do about what's going on in another country? What the heck are you going to do about what's going on in another state? Most of us can't even control what's going on in our own neighborhood. And why would we want to? As long as you're controlling what goes on in your house and you're taking care of your business, that's all that's important. But we see a lot of shootings, we see a lot of protesting, we see a lot of tragic events happening, heinous crimes being committed. And I think a lot of it has to do with what people are being fed these days through mainstream movies mainstream media, the news. People are just, on the edge these days. And so... I avoid it, and it makes me a happier person. I can walk around and smile. I can have a cheesy smile all day long. Most people that know me, they're like, dang, dude, you're always dang happy. What's up? And, but they've been asking me the same thing for years. What's up is I stay away from all the garbage. I don't put stuff into my brain that I think is going to be negative. If I turn on a TV series, within the first 15 minutes, I start seeing all kinds of stupid garbage that I don't want to look at. I turn it off. I don't care. I don't care how popular a show is. I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I do, I'm very careful about what I watch. I very rarely listen to music these days because it's just not good stuff. I have a good life. I spend time with my horses, my sons, friends, family. We do a lot of outdoor activities. We love motorcycles, jet skis, side by sides. We just like going for drives sometimes up in the mountains just to check out cool stuff. I love watching the sky at night, beautiful stars and things like that. But I spend a lot more time looking at beauty than I look at ugly. And ugly to me is the news, a lot of stuff that's going on in the world that I can't affect. I do pay attention to my local politics because I think that's important. I will show up at meetings if I need to when things are being planned or stuff is going on. But other than that, I don't carry a bunch of that anguish and stress. Four years ago, I had a heart attack. and I was 55. I was driving down the road. I was going to the gym and ended up having a heart attack. And when I went to the follow up checkups after I had the heart attack, because I was only in the hospital for an afternoon, I went to do the stress test and stuff. And the doctor says, there's nothing wrong with you except for you carry stress. And I'm like, carry stress? I don't have any stress. He says, that's what guys like you always say. You carry a lot of stress. You just don't realize it because you don't put it out to the world. And so I said what do you suggest I do? And he was a really neat doctor, and he said, I suggest you start meditating. That's works for a lot of folks. And I did. I started meditating and I started listening to the right stuff in the mornings and at night. And I'm much calmer. My blood pressure's low. I'm healthy. I spend a lot of time at the gym. When I go to the gym, I put headphones on. I don't listen to the music that they're playing because that stuff is garbage as far as I'm concerned, but I'm pumping good positive meditative stuff into my ears. I find a lot of videos on YouTube with positive affirmations and stuff like that. And, I feel very good and strong and energized when I wake up in the morning because I'm not filling my brain with garbage, going to sleep. At night, a lot of people have insomnia. Of course you have insomnia. Look at the stuff you're watching right before you go to bed. And then when you close your eyes, your subconscious mind kicks in and you're just having nightmares and restlessness. I sleep like a baby. Anybody would tell you that. People get upset because I sleep so well. But it's just because I pay attention to what's going into my brain. And I think that if more of us did this. We'd have less problems, we'd have less people going all over the edge and committing violent crimes and things like that. But, make a habit of it for yourself, teach your children, your grandchildren, talk to your friends about it, and spend more time enjoying life. Then looking at all the crazy stuff that's going on because you can't change the craziness, but you can change what you do. You can change how you live your life and you can change what you accept as what you're going to put into your mind in the form of information and things of that nature. Hey, just a simple tip of the day that I think makes me a much happier person. Once in a while, if I don't have a smile, I'm walking down the street and I see someone that needs a smile, I just go, yes, yes, yes. And you can't help but smile. Just say those three words. They're magic and they'll make you feel better. But overall, what really will make you feel better is pay very careful attention to what you're putting into your brain throughout the day, right before you go to bed in the morning, and you can live a much happier, much joyful life. if you focus on the positives and stay away from the negatives. I got to go in and cook me some food, but yes, yes, yes. Remember that's what makes you smile. So J. C. and I am out of here.

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