Live Life to the Fullest

In this podcast, J.C. emphasizes the vitality of living life to the fullest. Breaking free from routine, embracing new adventures, and maintaining an enthusiastic mindset keeps us young, engaged, and creates lasting memories for a fulfilling life.


Hey folks, J.C. here and I wanted to do a quick podcast before going into the gym. Today is what we call leg depletion day, and it's gonna be a rough workout, so I thought I'd have a little talk before it was just a thought I had on the way. And it's about living life to the fullest and vitality and adventure. When the adventure and the vitality stops in life, we perish. It's just a simple fact. It's a health fact. So many people work all their lives to retire and they're looking forward to hear the gentleman, oh, I'm gonna spend all my days on the golf course, and that's great. But the golf course kills that individual within five years, and it's not the golf. The golf's actually a great thing it out there. Fresh air exercise. What's the killer is when our brain stops thinking that there's an exciting tomorrow if you look at a little kit. And you think about they're excited about everything. Think about a little kid when they discover a butterfly or a flower, everything's an adventure to a little kid. And then as we get older, we're taught, we're programmed, get in a routine in life. Do the same thing over and over, and that's how you succeed. Consistency. And you know what I say, horse crap. The older I get, the less routine I want to be. The more adventure I want to be. I wanna think of new and exciting things to do. I love buying toys, side by sides, jet skis, boats, four wheelers, all of those things. And yes, vacations are great too, but it is a proven fact that a lot of people die vacationing as well because that's not exciting to the brain. Okay. The brain needs active excitement where you do something new and different. You come outside of your comfort zone. You do something crazy. Jump out of an airplane. I don't care if you're 80. How about, going to a track and paying a little bit of money and driving a really fast car? I'm not talking the kind of fast car that you find seeing going down the road. I'm talking a full fledge race car. Take a class in drifting. Go hog hunting in Texas for God's sakes. You wanna talk about an adventure, that's one. But whatever it is, think about things that fully engage the excitement level within you, because if you can live with excitement, And I'm not talking about excitement that kills you. Okay? Be safe, be smart, be wise. But there are so many unique adventures that an individual can go on these days. You can go out and pay to take a backseat, ride in a fighter jet. And let's face it guys, how many of y'all have always looked up going, wow, man, it would be cool to be flying in one of those things so I don't need to fly it. But I don't mind sitting in the backseat letting a professional do it. Jumping out of airplanes, done it many times. It's fun and exciting, and that's a ride. I love amusement parks to bras with you. I still love rollercoasters. My sons and I, we can go to amusement park and we will spend from morning to night. Riding the craziest rollercoasters and we seek the really cool ones. But I'll never be the first on the ride. I was on the Rattler in Texas when they first opened up six Flags down there, and half the folks that got the inaugural ride ended up with whiplash. I didn't, but I thought I was going to. That was a rough ride, but just all I'm talking about is figure out things to get you out of the routine. Mundane lifestyle. I think that it's the killer of not only humans, but I think it's the killer of relationships too. How many people get bored in life and are seeking something on the other side because they just get in this routine, go to work, come home, eat, watch tv. That's not the way to live. How many of y'all do not find excitement in rocking your life away on the front stoop? That's an old cliche. I don't wanna be that person. I wanna be the person who lives with youth and vitality and youth and vitality. Come from the brain. Okay? Your brain is a central console system for your body and your brain tells you when you're aging, when you're not aging, when you're having fun, when you're not having fun, and it releases chemicals based upon that. And if every single day that brain is released in the same chemicals, I call them the bored chemicals. It shuts down the body. It ages you quickly because it realizes that the end is near. So hey, switch it up. Do something different. Do something out of the ordinary and do it consistently every single week. Just look for something new and exciting in life that you can engage in with maybe family or individual loved ones your spouse, your girlfriend, whatever it is. But do. Things differently each and every week, at least one thing every week, and you will find that you have a much better journey here and you're more excited about the day and you always have something cool to look forward to, and your brain signals to your body. Hey, we've gotta be ready cuz we don't know what this individual's gonna do to us next week. I don't know what he is gonna put us through. Is he gonna take us through the Grand Canyon whitewater rafting? I've gotta be prepared and the body gets at the ready because the brain tells it has to be. And that's the key to success in living a long. Life with vitality, good health and quality of life because adventures are good for quality of life. And you'll make more memories with your family and loved ones and you'll have something to look forward to. Hey, that's all I have to say. I gotta go in and do a really rough workout right now. We are 10 days out from the bodybuilding show. This is my new journey. And it has been one heck of a journey and I'm excited. I'm looking forward to get on stage because I've been putting in the work. Hey, other than that, this is J.C.. I hope you have a great day, and hope your summer's going well. I am outta here.

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