Joseph McCarthy and the Fight Against Communism

During the early 1950s, a man named Joseph McCarthy began leading the fight against the communist infiltration of our government, entertainment industry, and universities. Although he was a sitting U.S. Senator, he was persecuted for his efforts. We now know that everything he claimed was a fact. For too long, the communist movement has been disguised as a socialist movement. In 1960, the plan was laid out in a speech by Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union. It’s time for America to wake up to what’s happening.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks, welcome back. J.C. here for those that follow me, you know, that I will do a podcast on a wide variety of subjects human interests, safety and security things that benefit you sometimes just talk for the heck of it, because I love to tell funny stories and little anecdotes and things like that. This is my public forum about America. I believe the country we live in is the greatest in the world and yes, we have our problems, but I still believe it's the greatest in the world, but there are some forces that are affecting the way we live and trying to change the landscape of America. This podcast is about what I believe to be the biggest threat that we have ever faced in this nation. And we've been through a lot, but this is an enemy. From within who holds and yields a lot of power. It's an enemy that controls our media and the narrative on the mainstream media. It's a enemy that has infiltrated all areas of our government, as well as being responsible for indoctrinating our young adults through the university system for many years. And now one of the primary targets is they've worked their way back to even going after grade school, children and toddlers. Many Americans are just waking up to realizing this is a threat. Some of you know where I'm going with this, but folks, the threat is the liberal left in this country. And even many of them do not even realize they're a threat because they've been so indoctrinated through the college and universities they actually believe that they're the ones that are right. That's why. If you're a rational thinker, I don't care if you're a Democrat or Republican, and you're looking at the actions of these individuals and what they believe is right and wrong is just insane. It's almost like living on an alien planet. I have three brothers and three sisters, and I have a liberal sister and I love her dearly. And I truly understand that in her heart, she believes in her crazy annex and rhetoric half the time we get on the phone and she'll just go off on a tangent and start screaming into the phone to the point where I literally have to hang up on her and just not speak to her for a while. And then all as well, we'll just start talking like brothers and sisters and family again, but it's crazy. But she went to a liberal college in Washington state and received a degree in psychology and she's just out to save the world and she really thinks she is no insult to her at all. But like I said, it's just some farfetched craziness. And I don't mind talking about it because I think many of you out there experience the same thing. Maybe I have a friend, a loved one that you care deeply about, but just find their worldviews to. Insanity, but onto the topic of my podcast, which is a gentleman named Joseph McCarthy. Now some of you may be familiar with them, may be familiar with the term McCarthyism or the red scare, but Joseph McCarthy was a United States Senator from Wisconsin, who during the fifties made the assertion that Soviet spies were infiltrating our government, our entertainment industry, and our universities here in America. And for his efforts. In what he believed was a fight for America. He was disgraced as the us Senator and died in early death at the age of 57. The reason I believe this is all relevant is because recently we've seen if a politician or anybody for that matter comes out and speaks against the leftist in this country or against their crazy radical policies. They're trying to implement. One will fall under attack by the left. Hopefully by listening to this podcast and the Joseph McCarthy story, which took place back in the fifties, you'll realize that the attacks against those who speak out are nothing new. The perfect example of that is what they did to Donald Trump. Donald Trump is an American Patriot. It doesn't matter what you think about him as an individual. He was one of the best presidents we've ever had in American history and accomplished more than I believe. Any other president, the puppet masters behind the liberal left movement are full blown communist and their goal is to destroy the landscape of America so that in the future, you and I don't recognize the country we live in and our children will never get to experience American greatness. And as Americans, we've actually gotta start calling this stuff out for what it is. It's fascism, it's communism. I know many of you understand this, but there's so many that do not, and we've gotta educate our children and those around us to this threat, because it's real, it's present and it is destroying our country from within you can't fight an enemy from within. History proved that at the Alamo, once the walls were breached and the enemy was inside, it was over the Alamo fell and we're gonna see the same thing happen to the United States of America. This country, we love so much unless we understand the threat and figure out ways to combat it. This war will not be fought on foreign soil. It's gonna be fought in the politicians that we elect to represent us in our actions to raise our children in a matter, which they understand we've gotta get through to our kids with this. So the better, we all understand it. The better we can spread the news and teach and educate. I believe that the majority of our government Democrat and Republican are sold out and would turn you and I over to the communist in a heartbeat because it benefits their bank accounts. How great would it be to be a politician with a completely controlled society that you could do anything to you wanted? Including raping the children, which I don't know if you've been paying attention to, but there seems to be a lot of that going on with human trafficking. And although nothing seems to be done about it, we've proven with the Epstein story and all the information coming out of that, that there's a lot of us politicians involved in that stuff. So hopefully in listening to this podcast, you will realize the relevancy. Of Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism and the fight that he went through back in the fifties that we are now fighting today, Joseph McCarthy was actually one of the early Patriots who recognized the threat and was willing to do something about it. This is a man that after graduating from college, became a judge in the city of Milwaukee. And then when world war II broke out, he joined the Marines to fight for his country against the communist threat. During which time he received a distinguished flying cross, which is a heck of an honor for a military soldier in the Marines. So clearly he was a man that understood the communist thread. He fought against him and when he returned home, he campaigned and got elected as a us Senator for the state of Wisconsin. it is during that time, when he decided to take up his fight against the communist and make it open in public. Which led to his downfall. He was disgraced. He was disciplined by the Senate in a fashion that was called censoring. He's one of the few us senators to ever be censored. So for coming out and speaking the truth, then bringing to light a threat that he knew was being put in place to take down this country and eventually going to be working to unravel and destroy this nation. The man was disgraced his career destroyed. And I believe even worse than that. If you look up his name, they don't say anything nice about the guy he's gone down in history as a lunatic. The man wasn't a lunatic. The communist have infiltrated our country, our government, our universities, and our entertainment industry, all of which are destroying morality and our way of life here in America. Sadly, most of them are doing it for the almighty buck because they're all capitalizing on the fact that they can get paid to destroy our country. The communist are very smart, very tricky. How many billions are being made by entertainers that are just putting out very subversive, nasty, horrible music and movies, destroying the morality in this country, pushing all kinds of terrible agendas. And that's how you take down a country. You destroy the landscape, you take away tradition, pride God, family country. When you can eliminate all of those things, and nobody remembers or speaks about American greatness, then the communists have won because the nation, without a foundation it's over, if you don't think naming national, gay celebration day called pride day, adopting symbols that children love like rainbows. And all of this stuff is meant to erode the landscape of America. Then you're wrong. We used to consider pride in our country, but now mentioning the word pride. Doesn't have the same connotation and that's all done on purpose. And again, that's nothing to do with the gay and lesbian community. It's not them. It's the organizers of these activists movements that are putting this stuff in place. Take a word that is commonly used and associated with greatness in America, American pride and attach it to such a hot topic that nobody's willing to come out and speak about it because we don't wanna be offensive to the gay and lesbian community or the LGBTQ movement, which I'm not against any of that as you know, but let me have my word pride and stop stealing things like the rainbow and the unicorn and all of the great. That many of us should still be able to love and appreciate without it being associated to an activist movement with false agendas and made to actually spawn hate in this country because the leftist, the communist, the fascists are constantly working behind the scenes to start these type of movements. And they're destroying this country using. The hot topics, that most don't wanna speak out about or against, mainly because we don't have opinion against anybody. We're not against anybody's lifestyle or the way that they choose to live, but you won't speak out against them stealing the rainbow, cuz you don't want to be labeled homophobic or against gay and lesbians. But as time we get past all of this stupidity it's time Americans start standing up. I'm a proud. White American. I've worked my butt off to become successful. I come from poverty and I don't have an opinion against anybody's lifestyle choices, race, color, religion, creed. I don't make judgements against others. I live and let others live. But I'm darn sure tired of this stuff being jammed down my throat and watching my country be destroyed because of false narratives and agendas that are being put in place by people that do not have good intentions. A perfect example of that is the BLM movement and all the people that we're rioting and burning down cities for what? Yes. Does racism exist that exists around the world, but we've been working towards solving those problems and getting along and eliminating those. Evil forces that have been at work for thousands of years and violence and crime is not gonna solve any of these problems. Rational thinking, communication, everybody respecting each other, respect for our differences and the right to exercise our differences, because this is a country that is free and we believe in Liberty and justice for all. I actually believe our differences in nationality and lifestyle choices, make this world a more colorful and fun place to live. I believe that's actually a foundation of America. It's a place where you can come be free to do what you want to accomplish what you want to exercise your live religion that you choose to. And even the diverse lifestyle, if that's what you choose. But all of us have got to recognize that there's an enemy at work, trying to destroy community, destroy family, and erode everything in this country. And they're using activist movements to do so. And these activist movements, aren't actually activist movements, they're collectivism movements, and that is the practice of giving a principle or a group priority over another individual. So these movements are actually against the very foundations that made America great in the first place, freedom and Liberty for all. It's why I started America's independent voice. I believe we need to talk about these topics, get 'em out in the open. we may not always agree. So sometimes we'll have to agree to disagree, but we can do that respectfully towards each. In a communist nation, I would not be allowed to have this podcast in a communist nation. Nobody is free to exercise their diverse lifestyle choices. There's many countries around the world where individuals are put to death for celebrating diversity in their lifestyle, as well as countries where there is ethnic cleansing, taking place over differences in ethnicity or skin color. we live in the greatest nation in the world, but we've gotta preserve it. And right now I believe we have to rescue. For those of you that are actively working to destroy this nation. You need to think again, you need to get out there, you need to travel. You need to find out what's happening in the world around you, because there's a lot of atrocities being committed around the world. a lot of those atrocities are now being committed in the United States of America. Because of activist movements because of hatred being spawned. This is the greatest nation in the world. It's one where you can pursue the lifestyle you choose. You can work at what you want. Open a business, make as much money and wealth as you want. You can have all the fun that you choose. You can have all the diversity you choose and choose your own religion, vacation, travel freely as you want. But we've gotta understand that there's an enemy that's trying to get in the way of all that, trying to steal that from us. And they're using every tool that they can to get Americans to hate each other so that we can be taken over easily. Many that are my age. Remember American greatness when you could actually pursue your goals and dreams unobstructed when we weren't fighting. And when we didn't have all the agendas interfering with lives and we were able to disagree, but not anymore because the powers in Washington being controlled by the George SOSS of the world. The elitist are out to take this nation down. And sadly, if you look at what's happening in our country today in our government, in our entertainment industry, in our universities, Joseph McCarthy was right. He may have been a little over zealous his approach to the problem. But he was right. I do not find it ironic that several years after Joseph McCarthy's death in the 1960s cruise chef, the leader of the Soviet union would say, we will take America without firing a shot. We don't have to invade the United States. We will destroy you from within, at that same time, he also said the following, which I believe is a clear indication that they had already infiltrated our government. He said we can't expect Americans to jump from capitalism to communis. But we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism until they awaken one day to find that they have communism. And after the disgrace in death of Joseph McCarthy, there was nobody to take up the fight against communism. So over the last 70 plus years, communism in this nation has spawned, grown, and flourished. What I find is an absolute atrocity against the oath that these individuals are taking. And criminal is the fact that many us politicians are participating in this communist takeover. These people aren't even shy about this anymore. Look at bill and Hillary Clinton, Michelle and Barack Obama. Look at Biden, hunter Biden. Look at the crimes that these individuals have committed all in the sake of prosperity for America. They're flees in America. They're raping America. They're stealing. They have one goal and intention in mind, bring this nation down and make as much money in the process as possible. But the question comes down to you, the citizen, are you gonna allow this? Are you gonna allow your. Student to be taught by the teachers union and the sub of things that they're trying to push within our school systems. Are you gonna go and allow our elections to go unchecked and let them just steal elections in the future? Are you gonna stand up and battle back against this stuff? Show up to vote and make sure that we have the right elected officials getting into office that are gonna work to preserve this country and not destroy it from within. Because it is a battle folks and we are fully engaged. The question is, are you gonna participate in this battle as an individual? Because you're out talking about this stuff to your family, friends, neighbors, and your community. America is still a conservative nation, except for small pockets that have a lot of power and a lot of control, but get out there, you will find many who hold the same values and beliefs that you. Hopefully, it's one of the reasons why you started listening to America's independent voice because friends, I am a Patriot and this is my way of standing up spreading information. Going against the Decepticons that are trying to deceive everybody. I believe listening to this podcast is a clear indication that you are standing up and that you do understand this is not a war. That's gonna be fought with weapons. This is a war of ideology and it's not gonna be one by us. It's gonna be one by our children that we educate as to the facts and the realism of what's taking place, the impact it will have on their lives and what they can do about it. I'm a firm believer in the second amendment, but this battle is not gonna be fought with guns. It is guns that probably kept us free and free from attack for the last couple hundred years, but it's not gonna win this battle. This is a war of ideology and it's gonna be won not by us, but by our actions in how we teach our children, how we bring up our children. If we teach them that this country is worth fighting for that freedom and Liberty is of value and it's worth saving and preserving, they will conduct the battle they will be able to do it properly. That this country has great value and it's the best place on the planet to live that most of the craziness that is being pushed upon them in schools and through the media fails eventually providing them an opportunity to create a better way moving forward. It might not be right now because of all the conflict, but we can turn this ship around and in the words of the great Donald. Make America great again. And I think there's a fighting shot. We have an upcoming of midterm elections and you need to vote wisely. And then we're on to the next presidential election and we need to get these cockroaches out of office and we need to turn this thing around. So folks stay in the fight, stay in the battle, stay faithful, keep believing, and let's do this because if we fail our children, grandchildren, and all future generations will never get to experience the freedom. Liberties that come with living in the United States of America, a free nation for the people by the people, friends. I hope you have enjoyed this podcast. And I hope you've gotten some good information out of it. And I hope it's lit a fire under your tail. And understanding the direction that we have to go in, which is upward. We must stand up. We must rise up. We must take back this country. That's all I have to say, Hey, this is J.C. Owens and I am out of here.

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