Discovering Inner Joy and Peace 🌟

Seeking happiness? It’s an inside job! Embrace inner joy, peace, and happiness. Stop searching externally. #InnerHappiness #PeaceWithin

J.C. Owens:

Hey friends, J.C. here, and I was just driving home from the gym and I had to pull over for this message because oftentimes I find myself in deep thought when I'm going into the gym, at the gym, coming home from the gym. And I just wanted to do a talk about happiness, finding happiness, finding joy, finding peace. So many people are searching for this elusive creature, and the reason that they're not finding it is because they're looking out there. They're trying to find it out in the world. They're trying to find it in others. A lot of people get into relationships and they're trying to find their joy and derive their joy from their mate. We try to find it and live it to our children. Happiness, peace, and joy, are an inside job, it has to be something that's internal And if it's internal, then it becomes external, and then you reflect that happiness, peace, and joy towards others, and you're sharing that positive energy, but you can't find it in others. You can't find it in a location. You can't move and find it. Yeah, you could be happier living in some place than others. You could be happier at some careers than others. You could be happier with some folks than others. But that's not where your true joy, peace, and happiness is derived from. It's derived in here and it's a mindset, it's an emotion, it's a feeling. I wake up no matter what my day's like, I am gonna be joyous. Okay? I can go and be having the worst day, but when I run into somebody to talk to and I can just share some of my day. And I'm not telling anybody about any negativity. If I have negativity going on, I keep that to myself because I'm not going to try to inflict my anguish or sadness or whatever I'm going through on others. I want to talk about their day. I wanna talk about happiness. I wanna talk about joy, because what that does is it just turns your day around. So stop looking externally and stop looking to others for your joy, happiness, and peace. Find it within. And how do you do that? It's real simple. We have the spirit of our creator within us, all around us. We see it when we look at stars, we see it when we look at beautiful sunflowers, which I'm looking at right now. The universe was created so that we recognize all of this stuff, but the spirit within us that has to be either nurtured and paid attention to. And listened to, and how do you listen? Just get quiet. Stop talking. Sit down, find a peaceful space. I find being out in nature is my peaceful space, but when you start listening to the inner voice inside you, it'll guide you. It'll direct you because it's seeking joy. Happiness and peace for you. So it will take you in the right direction. It will put you in the right career. It will put you in the right relationship. It'll put you in the right frame of mind, but you have to listen because if you're not listening and you're letting your brain overrun everything, and you're doing a lot of talking, and if you are searching outwardly in the world for joy, peace, and happiness, then you're not gonna find it because you're looking in all the wrong places. Hey, that's a simple message. Find it inside and develop it, nurture it, build it, promote it. And all of a sudden you will find yourself more joyous, more peaceful, more happy, and then you're a lot more fun to be around. And because you can share that with others and people will actually gravitate to you because they're wondering what's different about you? Why is this individual so happy? Why are they smiling? Why are they always exuberant about their day? Okay. I'm always excited about my day. I wake up excited about my day. This lifetime is my journey. This is my opportunity to experience lots of cool stuff, to learn lots of things to experience, lots of things to share love with others. Why would I wanna cheat myself from that? So work on the peace, joy, and happiness within you, and then it will become outward. Hey, that's all I have to say. This is J.C.. I thought that was an important message, so I pulled over to do it. I hope you enjoy your day and good luck on that journey. All right, peace. I'm outta here.

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