Conquer Negative Thoughts and Take Control of Your Mind and Emotions 🧠💪

Don’t let your inner dialogue and emotions hold you back. Learn to conquer your fears, just like JC did, and seize life’s adventures. Take control and be a force to be reckoned with! #SelfEmpowerment #MentalStrength

J.C. Owens:

Hey friends, JC here, top of the morning to you. I was just over visiting my horse. She's going through a little depression and anxiety. I took one of her herd off to get trained and she's missing little Boots and she's just pacing around. And that's normal for herd animals, but it had me thinking about how that equates to humans and the spirits walking this earth, folks. We have got to be very careful not to let our brain talk get out of control. We've got to be very careful not to let our emotions get out of control because when we're not in control of our brains or our emotions, we're not able to stop the talk in our heads. It can create a lot of problems in life. Oftentimes, many folks are fearful of trying to do new things because their brain talks them out of it. Oh, you're not ready for this, you don't have what it takes, things like that. I grew up in poverty. The only way to get out of poverty is just forge ahead. And don't listen to anybody because there will be a lot of people trying to keep you down because They don't want you to succeed. And I did succeed. I climbed out of poverty like a warrior because I didn't like it there. And I didn't like it there for my family either. So I decided it was time to change. I did it at a very young age. And one of the most valuable things I ever learned is to control the things going on in your head. Control the talk that's going on in your head that will tell you to stop, to not move forward. Sometimes it will make people freeze right in their tracks. They're thinking about starting new or changing their lives or getting out of a bad relationship and their brain keeps them oppressed, I call it. I do not let my brain control me. I will never, ever have a day where somebody has to look at me and say, Hey man, you look depressed. What's going on? I think people that do that are just looking for comfort. They're looking for somebody to ask them that question. That's not me. You will typically see me with a big goofy smile on my face, and if I don't have a smile on my face I'm being serious, but I've never, what's wrong today? I don't go for that crap. If you want attention, I guess go out and get it that way, but I would rather have attention where people look over and go, wow, man, that guy's a force to be reckoned with. Look at that smile. Look at that stature. He is bulletproof. And that's what I want. It doesn't mean I don't have bad days. I have just as many bad days as everybody else. I have those days where I'm not as happy as I should be. Some days where, I'm actually depressed over different things. That's just a normal human emotion. There's things that, I'm fearful of, that I'm about to approach or attempt. But I just don't let that stuff control me. I take control of it. Because that's how you live life adventurous to the fullest, and you find amazement in this lifetime. It's not by letting fear control you. It's not by allowing the words of others to control you. It's not by allowing your emotions to control you. Those are things that we have to practice taking control of. And once you start practicing, you'll find you get better and better at it. So hey, that's all I have to say. It was just prompted by watching my horse, so hopefully this podcast resonated for somebody out there, or maybe many of you. But for now, this is J. C., and I am out of here.

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