Buzz Lightyear Movie

As Disney just learned, you can lose a lot of money and customers by pushing social agendas in your product, such as the Buzz Lightyear flub. When will corporations, athletes, and the left, in general, learn that we don’t want their social agendas stuffed down our throat?

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks. Welcome back. I find it interesting. Some of the topics we have to deal with today, in looking online, you find that Disney's new Buzz Lightyear, a complete flop. And as it should be, I don't know when these companies are gonna learn that they need to stop trying to inject their social agendas into. The work that they put out. I thought we should have learned that when Kaepernick decided to take a knee and make a stand for, his social issue and how that affected the NFL, it brought the NFL to its knees and turned a lot of people that were very avid sports fans against. The NFL. And we see that in the Olympics, with the soccer players now, Disney, they decide that they're going to put two females kissing a lesbian act into buzz light ear. And my question is why it's not new. It's not unique. It doesn't have anything to do with buzz Lightyear or the original plotter story. These companies, whether it be by pressure or whatever, a bad CEO or leadership or paid protestors have a lot of effects on a lot of companies these days. And yes, they are paid. There's not that many people that feel that adamantly about anything, unless you pay 'em. But Disney decided that they were gonna put that little scene in there. I think they spent upwards of a billion dollars. Creating that show and its launch was a flop. It's probably not gonna produce half of what previous buzz light ear movies did in the box office. And the thing about it is that that should be, a clear and bold message being sent by the citizens. Do I have anything against lesbians? no. You choose to be what you want. I don't care if you're a transgender, that's your business, but I don't want it thrown in my face at every opportunity. if two ladies kissing added to the story plot, that'd be one thing. But to just inadvertently throw it in there, because some of your writers feel very adamant about the topic and they want to push their agenda. That's ridiculous. for Disney, it's a good eye opener. And for the stockholders of Disney, cuz whenever you launch a movie, there's always investors and those investors are expecting a return and hopefully they got a good slap in the face. And Disney definitely got a slap in the face. I remember as a kid, everybody loved Disney. That was what we used to do. We used to watch Disney shows as kids and there was no agendas. We just watched Disney shows. We loved them. We thought Disney was the greatest. today, not so much as a matter of fact I wouldn't allow the Disney channel in my household. Not that we do a lot of TV watching anyway, but there's just a lot of garbage out there, but Disney has really taken a bad turn. I guess the bigger question for me is at what point does this garbage stop? let's face it. There's people out there that are firm believers that beastiality should be okay. at what point does Disney writers decide that they should put in a scene with one of the gal, uh, gals or guys in the buzz light year series, having sex? An alien. then it's just, cheap porn. But that's the question. we gotta watch, it's a slippery slope. There's a lot of not normal folks out there and they all have agendas too. I think a lot of them are sitting at Disney. Portraying themselves as writers of, children's material. I don't like it. I don't like the direction at all. And I'm pretty open minded for most of you that listen to my podcast, know that I am a live and let live kind of individual, but we have to have some boundaries and I think we need to start implementing those boundaries. I'm glad to see the citizens in their response to the release of buzz light. Standing up and showing that they still have principles and that if you cross those lines, we will not show up to see your garbage. Throughout history we've had, gays, lesbians, transgenders. One of the emperors of Rome and they referred to him as an EMS as he preferred to be referred to. But I think the name was Elga Ballis. I think that's a good name. That was a ruler we see this stuff throughout history, what you choose to do with your personal choices and your life? we all make them, I am twice divorced, there's people that think that, that's not good. I'm an older gentleman who I actually prefer. Ladies half my age, people, often probably look at me oddly or jealously. I don't know which, the thing about it is that we all have our own deal and we should pursue whatever that deal is. As long as it makes us happy and it's not affecting others in a negative fashion. when we learned that we used to know it, but now we have to relearn that. I think it comes down to mind your own business, but you have to allow me to mind my own business, because if you keep sticking in my face, then it becomes my business. And as Disney learned, that's probably not the best approach to producing quality entertainment for the populace and definitely not our children. Hey, that's just my take on. This is J.C. and I am out of here.

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