Being a Strong Conservative Without Being a Jerk

You can attract more flies to honey than vinegar. We have to avoid using inflammatory remarks when communicating our beliefs and opinions with others, especially those we are trying to bring into the conservative fold.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks. Welcome back. J.C. Owens here. And today I want to talk about being a conservative without being an asshole. boy, I'm very adamant about this. I am as conservative as they come. If you want to know my personal belief, I am pro life, but I'm only pro-life for myself because I don't feel I have the right to tell another person what to do with their. In any way, shape or form. Now, do I agree with the way abortions are used in this country as birth control, a bunch of elitist using abortion for harvesting of stem cells? No, I'm not in agree with any of it, but I'm also not in agreement with telling somebody what to do with their body, just as. When they were trying to push the COVID vaccines on people. I didn't get one. Nobody in my family got one. Why? Because we do not believe that we should be told what to do with our body in any way, shape or form. And I sure as hell wasn't gonna let somebody force me to take a vaccine that I didn't believe was safe. Was I against you if you wanted to get vaccinated? Absolutely not. That's a personal choice and I don't interfere with people's personal choices when it comes to their bodies. Do I believe there are some vaccines that are worthy? Yeah. As a young kid, I was vaccinated for a certain amount of things that you get vaccinated. For most people from my generation have the little pumpkin patch on their arm to show that we are vaccinated. and I don't know if those vaccinations did any good, but I think there are some diseases out there that, vaccinations did cure, but the vaccines of today are not about curing anything. The vaccines of today, I believe are more about population elimination and control, but that's just my personal belief. You can call that conspiracy, whatever you choose. But back to my original conversation about being a conservative doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. If somebody wants to live a certain lifestyle, whether that be gay, lesbian, transgender, who are we to tell them what to do with their bodies, with their choices. I'm not one of them, but I have a lot of respect for people. I have more respect for people than I do my own personal opinions on things. And that's the point. Where I say too many conservatives are running around fighting battles that I don't think we have any business fighting. Now, do I believe that gay rights should overrule rational thinking or do I believe that gays and lesbians or transgenders should get special privileges? Absolutely not. But I actually don't think that the majority of them won any special privileges. That's just the special interest people. And the only reason the special interest people have a platform is because they're political politics will put barriers in between normal, everyday folks that would. Most likely get along, but the activists get everybody fired up. They get the religious right against gays, cuz supposedly in the Bible it says it's a travesty. The Bible says a lot of things are a travesty, but it seems to me that the religious right, the hardcore right. Picks and chooses their battles wisely. It says in the Bible that if you look upon a woman with lustful eyes, you should pluck your eyes out with a spoon, but I don't see anybody plucking their eyes out and let's face it. Men. We all look at women in lustful manner. I don't care who you are. If you don't do that, you're probably not human or part of the animal family that I come from. I'll be the first to tell you when I see a beautiful looking woman walk. I may not have lustful thoughts about sleeping with her, but I will darn sure acknowledge that she's a beautiful woman and she might have a nice tail on her. And if that makes me a bad guy, then man, I guess I better start plucking my eyes out. Cuz according to the Bible, that's a lustful thinking, but I don't believe like that. I think that if we don't start as a human race, accepting each other for our differences. And stop fighting about it. The government puts those little fights in play and the populations carry 'em out. We should all be live and let live kind of folks. do I think that transgender should compete in sports, not in cross gender sports. It's completely unfair for some man. To compete in a race or a swimming competition against females. Men are stronger. That's a fact, but I'll tell you what, if they had transgender Olympics, I'd be watching the hell out of it, cuz it would be some funny stuff. most of you would too. And that's what I think they should do. I think they should have transgender sports. Stay out of the rest of them. But most of these transgenders that get involved in sports are only doing it because they're being prompted to do it. Somebody is putting a bug in their ear going, Hey, you want to be, a media specialty, you want fame, you want status? Here's how you do it. And they're all being sponsored and promoted by the evil on the left, the evil on the left with agenda. Let's face it when a man decides to dress up and become a woman or a woman decides to be a man. Do you think they want to be paraded around as such no, they're exercising a personal choice and most of 'em just wanna be left alone. That's why they're gonna do any thing. They can to be a good woman or to be a good man so that nobody knows that they're transgender. you go to Singapore. There are a dime a dozen over there. I've not been there, but friends who have been tell me that some of those men who have turned into women are some of the most beautiful women in the world and that you would never be able to tell the difference. point being, being conservative doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. We wanna talk about the craziness on the left. How about the craziness on the right? Maybe we should actually listen to what we're saying, and maybe we should heed some of what we're saying, and we should just become better people and except people for where they wanna be in this world and this life, and move on with our business. That was something we used to do back in the old days. We all minded our own business. There was liberals 40, 50 years ago when I was a kid growing up. There was conservatives, there was Democrats, there was Republicans, there was libertarians, there was independents. But the one thing we all did was we all got along back in the day. If somebody was broken down alongside the highway, you merely pulled over to help them. It didn't matter what color they were. It We didn't pull over and say, Hey, by the way, what religion are you. Or are you really a woman? We didn't ask those kind of questions. We just saw somebody in need and we helped them. But today everybody has an opinion. Everybody has an agenda. Maybe that's because social media gives people the right to have a, opinions and hide behind their keyboards or whatever the case may be. But my philosophy in this world is I'm gonna wake up and try to be the best person I can be. And I'm gonna try to be better than I was yesterday. I'm gonna be tried to be better in all aspects of my life. And kindness is important because I believe kindness goes along with self-esteem. Self-esteem, it's hard to have any for yourself if you're always opinionated about others, because true self esteem, true confidence means that you're not bothered by everything else because you have confidence in who you. we gotta stop letting these preachers, these priests, these government officials, these politicians, mold, and shape our personalities, thoughts and thinking, and we've gotta be our own individuals. if we learn how to do that, and we simply learn how to respect one. The ultimate of respect means let people be who they want to be and focus on who we are. Then we're gonna have a better planet. We're gonna have a better world. We're gonna have a better country, and we're gonna learn how to open up our hearts and love others and accept others for their differences. And that way they can accept us for ours. It's a two-way street folks. Hey, that's a short podcast on just getting the heck along and stop all the fighting. So this is J.C. Owens. I hope you all having a great day I'm just gonna go off and get a couple things done now. So I will catch you on the next podcast. I am outta here.

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