2022 Midterms: Elections in Peril

The only difference between a nation and a banana republic is the ability to have free and fair elections. America’s election system is broken from years of corruption and abuse. And it is the citizen’s responsibility to ensure their ballot is delivered properly and counted.

JC Owens:

Hey folks. Welcome back. J.C. here and today's conversation is gonna be about day. Today is midterm election day, something I used to be really excited about. A day that I used to think was almost like a holiday. It was a treat because as an American, you got to vote. Cast your vote for the candidates of your choice. It was exciting. It was a fun day. have a guest with me for those of you that have heard Robert before. Hey Robert. How are you doing?


Hey, John.

JC Owens:

Robert, used to love this day. Now it's a scary day. What's your thoughts on that?


I still vote like I have every year. Or every election passed. But I'm more informed now. So it does get scarier. The more informed you become.

JC Owens:

Well, I'm always informed. I stay on top of the candidates. I spend weeks studying them. ignore all the garbage mail coming into my mailbox. It's absolutely ridiculous. Talk about mud slinging hogs. nothing done today has anything to do with real issues. It's all about fear tactics, and I find that I don't like personally to, box everybody into one group, but I find that the Democrats are just vicious, malicious, terrible individuals. They have no integrity. They have no honor, and it's a shame. I grew up not thinking that way. I come from a place in Pennsylvania that was predominantly Democrat. Over the years I've had a lot of friends that were Democrats. We never argued. We never fought Election day, everybody got together. Typically, I've always owned my own companies, and on election day, I always gave my staff off. And it was traditional back in the day that we'd all meet up and have breakfast at an old country diner we'd talk about life, the weather. You never even talked about politics at the table. It was taboo. But we would have breakfast and then we'd all head down to vote, and after we'd vote, we'd figure out some fun activity to do. So we actually treated it like a holiday. It was awesome. And back in the day, we knew that politicians were never really for. But we never expected them to be against us. Even the Democrats were fairly levelheaded. They were gonna make decisions based on who they were trying to pander to naturally. And coming from an area where there was a lot of unions, be definitely pandering to the union workers. But we never paid attention to that. We just figured it was a great day. You got to exercise your constitutional right to a. And fair election. It's not the case anymore. Today. Our elections have become so corrupt. I know I was on the phone with you here earlier and you're telling me that they're already seeing certain areas of the country, very important, key voting areas where the voting machines are already broken. Isn't that just amazing? No surprise. We have a party in this country that has just absolutely gotten despicable, and I'm gonna call 'em out. It's called the Democrats. The Democrat Party, controlled by the far left, interest controlled by Uber, gazillionaires the world have created a system of fraud. Unlike we've ever seen in history, we're worse than most Banana Republics. You were telling me the other day. Something interesting, about Biden's representative coming out and informing populations that it may take weeks to determine the elected officials. You wanna explain that to the listen.


Yeah, it was, his press secretary said that it's just normal to not get the results on the same day as the election. We have to be patient and it normally takes. Days in order to find out the results.

JC Owens:

That never happened before in history. We used to find out who the president was. By the end of the election at night, as a matter of fact, we would stay up and wait for that information. it may take days. Isn't that awesome? And I believe that other world leaders came out and questioned that, did they not?


They did. Yeah.

JC Owens:

Because a lot of those world leaders, they know that's a bunch of horse manure. horse manure. When you can't get a vote counted, it just means that you're planning on manipulating that boat. And that's what happened in the last presidential. They tried to pull that two elections ago when Hillary was running against Donald Trump, when she got all surprised, all angry and walked off stage and disappeared. Word has that she was out searching graveyards for dead people to vote. We know in the last election don't have to be a conspiracy theorist. Just watched 2000 Mules, which was a very well put together documentary. We know that this individual that is parading around pretending to be president did not get dually elected now. Voting machines are down in certain districts, very important districts. They've had all this time, what, two years to get the voting machines working, but they can't get 'em working. Press Secretary announcing that it may take weeks to determine who's actually gotten elected. It is time, believe, for the American people to come together on one thing if we don't ever come together and agree on. We've gotta start coming together and agree that free and fair elections are paramount in keeping our country moving forward in a positive manner. What I have seen over the course of time is that indoctrinated leftist, the Union If you're a union Democrat, I'm not faulting you for being in the union, but I may fault you for voting in a particular manner that only serves your interest and not the interest of this country and the unions as a whole. You may belong to a great one, the unions as a whole are very corrupted and they interfere with elections. The leftist are so hung up on their social issues, the abortion. The marijuana issue, the Let's All Do drugs issue that these leftists are willing to vote against rational thinking. They're willing to vote in elected officials who will do absolutely no good for this nation, for our children's futures or grandchildren's futures. All they care about is their damned social issue. And I say damned social issue, and if you listen to my podcast, I'm not one to use language very often, but to me it's absolutely despicable that you would get your belief on a social issue make that more important than the future and security of a nation and the future of security of your children and grandchildren. Most of the people that are fighting the abortion fight aren't even folks that are having abortions. Sadly, they don't recognize that we're all fighting for the same thing, and that's freedom of choice in this nation. The right to make decisions, and I don't disagree with you on that. I believe that we have a right to do what we want with our body. If we're old enough to. And we're self sufficient and we're not collecting money from the public system, and we're not expecting other people to pay for our shenanigans, but I believe that we have freedom of choice, and freedom of choice should dictate that you want and fair elections because that's how we get freedom. That's what gives us our freedom. we're a third world Banana Republic. Where you just know who the dictator's going to be in the next election win, and no change is ever made except for negative change towards the people. So Americans as a whole. We've gotta put our parties aside, we've gotta put our social issue debates aside, and we've gotta recognize the real problem. The social issue is just the diversion to keep you from paying attention what the real issue is. The real issue is over taxation. We all have to pay taxes, but I just don't wanna pay too much and I don't wanna be paying taxes for frivolous things. Back in the day, remember they used to talk about pork barrel spending. Robert,



JC Owens:

for those of you that aren't familiar with what pork barrel spending is, pork barrel spending is where politicians create these bills and legislation to collect lots of. So that they can spend lots of money on things that we wouldn't want them to spend it on, but you never hear the term pork barrel spending anymore. I remember a day when bills were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and a big bill was a million dollars. Now these politicians are asking for hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. The whole system's out. And the only way that we're ever gonna rein it in folks, the only way we're gonna rein it in is if we come together and recognize that our vote should count and that we should be responsible in our voting and make sure that we elect the right officials and not the official that's going to please you on your social issue or your social. But the politician who is gonna get into office and do what they're supposed to do, and that's be truthful, be honest, and make decisions in the best interest of the population as a whole. Politicians, were never supposed to regulate social issues. That's a morality thing that's within you, that's within your belief system, whether you're an atheist, Christian, whatever you. Your moral compass should be within you moral compass should not be forced on somebody else. You might be against abortions, you might be pro-abortion. That's your business, it's your body, it's your right, but that should not determine my taxes and how my countries. Because it has nothing to do with it. We've gotta learn to separate social issues from political issues, we've gotta put our differences aside and start working together for a better country. One that's gonna be around long into the future for our children, because otherwise we're gonna be just be sucked and wrapped up by China. They're gonna put their great red arms around us and choke the living death out of us. already happen. And when you listen to my podcast, you'll know, yes, I'm a conservative, but I'm not a Republican. Although I will vote Republican because at least that party has enough people working in the right direction to save this country and not sell us out. I'm never going to vote for a Democrat because I cannot give them any power because if I support one, I support 'em. That's sad because there was a time that I would vote for Democrats if this was the sixties. I'd be voting for John F. Kennedy. He was a great, individual he got shot. And if you look throughout history, all great politicians who have ever done anything for the people gotten shot. Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Ronald. But if you're a rational thinker and you're listening to this podcast, whether you're a Democrat, whether you're a liberal, whether you're a Republican, whether you're a libertarian, it doesn't matter. We've gotta start voting in elected officials that are going to take care of this country and the business of this country and stay outta the business of the individual citizen. Otherwise, you won't have any right to close your door when they want to kick it. Otherwise you won't have any right to privacy. I'll call out a handful of Republicans over the years that were just heinous individuals. One of the worst in my lifetime was George Bush and Senior Bush. They were Robert Barons. They used the United States military and the excuse of terrorist run around the world destroying other nations just so that they could steal oil and rich their profits. The Cheneys heinous individuals. If there's a place on the other side after this life, were eminent, torture should take place. I hope individuals like that who were responsible for destroying the lives and killing many end up. But we as citizens, we've gotta recognize who the true enemy is. And it's not your neighbor, it's not your friend, it's not your coworker. It's these cockroach politicians that use deceitful practices that use hate. And social issues to separate the populations so that they can just run a muck in Washington enriching their own pockets, because that has nothing to do with money if politicians didn't get paid. Do you think anybody'd run? What do you think Robert?


There might be a few. I think there's a few patriots out there, true Americans that would do it for nothing. Look at President Trump. He didn't take a salary.

JC Owens:

That's interesting that you bring up President Trump cuz you are correct. President Trump never took a dollar for a day in office. As a matter of fact, he donated his check. He stepped away from his businesses to run the country because he is a true patriot. And look what they did to him. Look what they're still doing to. A witch hunt anything we've ever seen in history because he is a man of honor and integrity that actually believes that this country can be great again, and he's willing to put his dollars up. He's willing to fly all over the nation and conduct very positive rallies, getting folks excited about the prospect a new future for this nation. And he spends his own money doing it. I believe President Trump is an amazing individual, and I think that although history will find a way to manipulate the record books, Donald Trump is probably one of the greatest American patriots in the history of this country. I reckon him to the likes of Thomas Jefferson. And individuals like that, a true patriot, but history will not show it that way the communist, leftist will not allow that. And now that we've switched from hard copy books to internet and social media, anything can manipulated. And the facts destroyed. I used to love this day, used to treat it like a holiday. Now it just scares the be Jesus outta me. Wondering we're going to have rational politics in our future are just nut jobs, control of the country. But I do believe that the citizen still has an element of control, and that element of control means that we've gotta get off our duffs, we've gotta fill out our ballots, we've gotta hand deliver them. That's the best we can do. And then we've gotta count on watchdog groups that are out there with lawyers and Pole Watchers. Doing their best to ensure that votes are done properly. We've gotta say hell no to Washington and their press secretary who's claiming that it will take weeks to determine who's been elected because it doesn't take weeks to count. If it takes you weeks to count, then you better get your tail back to school because you're an idiot. that's not a hateful statement, but if my son came home and he couldn't simply sit down and count a bucket of pennies out for me, then I would be going to school and trying to figure out what the problem was. So it's that simple. We've gotta stop the fraud and we've gotta stop voting for anybody. Who participates in that fraud. And right now, that is the Democrat Party folks. That is the party of deceit and corruption. And if you've been a Democrat all your life, you might want to consider a new option because folks, if you're listening to this podcast, you're of age, that you know that the end is inevitable at some point in your future. So what we're fighting for is not our futures. I'm at the point where I don't care. I plan on being here for a long time, but I'm trying to determine the future for my children and grandchildren. trying to show them a great life and a future of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, and not slavery. And if we don't change the direction of this ship, we're heading towards slavery. And that's not gonna be anything that we're gonna be wanna watch from the other side we get that opportunity. So keep this in mind. Take into consideration what you've heard today. I hope you've enjoyed the podcast. I hope that it has been fruitful in sharing some thoughts ideas with you. thank you for joining me on this momentous day. I hope that we're going to wake up. tomorrow or in the next few weeks as Washington claims, and we're gonna see some positive change because we need some, we truly need some positive change in this country, and I'm counting on it, and I'm counting on and neighbors and citizens of this country to wake up and recognize that it's time to turn this thing around. other than that, this is J.C. and I am out of here.

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