The Green Energy Trend: Does it Make Sense?

There is a ridiculous notion circulating that at the flip of a switch, America is going to choose green energy over fossil fuels. This ideology is now being shoved down our throats by large corporations. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of alternative fuel sources for our future.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks, J.C. Owens here. Welcome back to America's Independent Voice Podcast. Today I have two guests with me. I have Robert, some of you are familiar with Robert, and I have jj. JJ is my son I love to bring him into podcast cuz first thing in the morning, he's a little groggy sometimes. I learned a long time ago. Some wake up early and some just aren't morning folks. They may wake up, but it doesn't mean they're fully awake. But it's always fun to have JJ on the podcast cuz he brings a lot of light and information to the podcast, which is fun. Today we're gonna talk about, I would guess it's called Woke And it's a topic. Struck me by with Dodge announcing they are going to discontinue the Challenger and the Charger. Two of my favorite vehicles, I think many people's favorite vehicle, but it's the reason that they're canceling the and the charger that gets me. It has nothing to do with whether they're good viable vehicles, whether they've been selling. You see 'em everywhere. People love those cars, but they decided that they're going to discontinue making those vehicles they want to go in the direction of electric cars, which I think is ludicrous. Myself. Jj, what do you think about it?


mean, I don't see really what the point behind any of the ideas. I get the electric car thing, but. The funny part is, was a day or so ago how California came out and said that by 2035 they're banning the sale of any new gas cars. And it was either, the same day, later in the evening or the next day, That operate the Electric of California came out and said, or they were asking citizens of California to not charge their electric cars, use the AC in their house or any extra accessory electric stuff because the electric grid in is overpowered powered.


well, the in California is on the verge of failure from what I've understood for many years. Debris Frank. Our nationwide in danger of failure very vulnerable to attacks of all types for many years, have warned that a terrorist attack could take that power grid down in a second, but it's not really. Even the threat of a terror attack that I worry about. worry about the fact that half the time through many storms and just all kinds of things, sometimes just even heat, we see the power grids going down in certain areas. We've had cities that have experienced blackouts. We do not have enough power. That's why more coal fire plants. happened It's a way for the powers to be to literally shut down America at the blink of an eye. What's your thoughts, Robert?


I think JJ had something to.




Well, One of my quick points I was gonna make kind of agreeing with you about, the lack of. Strength that we have and lack of faith that I have in our electrical grid is, if you look at what happened in Texas the other year, they had that freak storm over there and it completely people were dying in their homes. It was freezing them out and everything. And it's cuz they had never experienced anything like that. And the elector good for them, Just it went down. They had no power, nothing. And they had never prepared for it.


Exactly, and that brings up even a better point in your cold weather areas. I don't know about y'all, but every time comes around and I break out the jet skis that operate on battery power, you typically have to replace the batteries. How many times do you walk out after a weather change? Go to start your car? Your car doesn't work because batteries are prone to failure. Very susceptible to weather changes. you live in a place that gets very cold. How many times have you had to replace a battery over the course of a lifetime


For for a


vehicle? Yeah,


what I can I can recall at least three or four




But I wanted I wanted to say something regarding the power grid in California. I I lived in Southern California for many years and I. I don't know, I don't know, decades




the the government said that we had to turn off our lights at a certain time each


night if


they would go around, the police would drive around and if they if they saw a business with the lights on after a certain time, they would find the A lot of a lot of companies got in trouble for doing that. Sometimes they left their lights on overnight by accident, they'd show up they'd show up the next with notice notice on the door from the police department with a. they They pay. It's crazy. It's been going


on for decades. Not only has this stuff been going on for decades, but Tucker Carlson a show the other night reference to what it takes to build one of these vehicles. And I think, Robert, in preparation for this, didn't you compile a list of the components just for a battery?


Yeah, he He actually provided that list. Let me see if I can find it here. It It says, The single battery for an electric car needs at least 30 pounds of lithium, 60 pounds pounds of 130 pounds pounds of nickel, 90 pounds of 190 pounds pounds of graphite, and roughly 500 pounds of steel, magnesium, plastic, other all all of which are derived from.


And anybody that's ever seen mining equipment, which I've seen firsthand, I've worked around it back in the day. Mining equipment is some very stuff. not gonna power mining equipment You would not be able to produce enough. You're


Yeah, it's all based on diesel power.


It's based on diesel power, which for many years. The environmentalist have been screaming about as being unhealthy for the environment. But frankly, if you look around, any place that does mining, the surrounding areas are just completely green because plants thrive on that carbon. It's amazing. They're trying to deplete something that feeds the plants on the planet, although it is a myth that we get our. From those plants, the oxygen that plants put off is definitely an important component of our environment. I find that nobody wants to talk about the real topics. What about the slave labor used in China and many countries for mining? They got little kids out there this about the health and hazards to the miners that are mining some of this toxic waste? Nobody

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just to kinda make another quick point, cause I was actually having this conversation with my grandma the other day. She was asking me some questions about the, process in which they get rid of, the electric cars and everything, and it's a problem that they're having every. Is that you can't get rid of lithium. And if you've ever seen, you can actually look at pictures on the internet of what a lithium witch field looks like. It looks like something out of a movie. It's disgusting. It is these baren landscapes, and it is these pools of this glowing yellow green. It looks like something you'd see on a apocalypse movie. and when you have these fields and you create these batteries and and at Tesla it's eight foot long battery. It's the entire base of the car's battery. When those cars are, done, they can't drive anymore, you can't dispose of that battery. And so there is these hillsides, in parts of the countries where they have these yards full of Defunct Teslas and electric cars that they can't get rid of and it's just killing any sort of life around it because they haven't developed a way to, to get rid of it. So if you look at the environmental impact you can look it up online, this is well, the amount of money you're saving electric to gas is so minimal. So that's another reason that I don't understand why people are moving in that direct. But then the environmental impact that these cars are having when they're, done and gone and people have to get a new one is so much worse than anything that they're doing during the time that they're on the road. That it's a pretty backwards thought process that these electric cars are actually saving the environment in way. And secondly, everyone I know that has a Tesla. They're like, Oh, it has all these great features, but I've never heard a single person mention able to have a good road trip in it or get very far. They're always constantly complaining about how often they have to stop at the charging station. 300 miles in where I live, that doesn't even get me to the capital, to state and back.


Interestingly that you say that, When we went on our recent trip down to Galveston Island, Texas, we were on the way back and it was about 2:00 AM and I was going through this little small town and surprisingly, one of the fuel stations had a charging station. I see this gal standing there trying to comfort her infant. She's kind of rocking it as she's waiting for the charge to take place. And I went over and I. asked her if she was okay cuz it's middle of the night, the middle of nowhere. And she said, my husband suggested I take this electric vehicle on our trip down to see my mother in South Texas. She said, There's something wrong with the vehicle. She says, We've been having to charge this every time we find a place

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And the majority of 'em don't work. She said, This has turned. What should have been a long trip to begin with, which was nine hours. She said, We've been at this almost 20, and she said, I'm not sure how much my baby's gonna withstand. She said, I'm ready to call an Uber and charge my husband. And I just looked at her. I said, I think that's a good idea. If somebody's that much of a fool that you're gonna send your wife, On your little environmental escapade and risk putting your wife and child in peril, you're an absolute fool. There's so much hypocrisy surrounding all of this that's ridiculous. I believe it's just another game for many of the uber wealthy to get even wealthier. Elon Musk, who owns Tesla or at least know, created it, and the majority stockholder, He doesn't even drive his Tesla the majority of time. You have all these high powered movie stars that want to tell us we're supposed to drive out to la. You don't see all those stars driving electric cars. They're not using electric power jets limousines. It's just a bunch of hypocrisy. just haven't figured out whether it's all about money whether it's about control if it's just absolute stupidity to keep the ants dancing. Why the powers that be just rape and pillage and rob the land. If you go to Europe, they have boneyards full of cars. And there is the boneyards, the boneyard folks, for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a salvage yard. You see 'em alongside the road. When you're driving down the road, see that, 30 acres of junk cars sitting out there. When you see that in the cars Europe, they just have miles of them, acres and acres of them. And the reason that those cars are all there because the cost to replace the battery made it not feasible. To actually fix the vehicle


That's another point that I was talking about when I was speaking with my grandma the other day. the cause to replace the battery, And the time that it takes to have it done in a Tesla and the article that I was reading about it, I don't how recent it was or when, but it cost roughly $30,000 in total cost to replace the battery in a Tesla and have the work done to have it done because it's, like I said, the entire bottom of the car essentially. costs almost $30,000. The base Tesla. if you you look on the website, like the lowest end model you can get is sitting at roughly 46,000. And So for an extra $16,000, you can just have the newest Tesla rather than getting the battery replaced. So that's just another car, right, to the bonard, like you said.


My point would be that it's just that much more mining an impact on the environment. We talk about global climate change. First it was the Al Gore and global warming, and then that was dispelled and the scientist came out and said that he was fool, just raking in money, creating a scare. it's climate change, which news flash idiots, climate change has been taking place for as long as this planet has been around. And if you look at the cycles, it's gonna continue to change. We have an evolving planet. talk about evolution in humans. You want to get real evolution. Look at the evolution of the planet at one time. Many areas that are deserts were rainforest even in our own nation here in the United States. Kansas at one time was a rainforest. Many parts of the country were under water. They were swamp lands. Now deserts. We know that climate change. Is an ever We're not gonna stop it because we stop greenhouse emissions. So like I said, there's no sense to it. I find most of the people that are promoting this stuff are the same fools that will jump on any bandwagon. And again, it's the powers that be that will take and create a hot topic. And once they create the hot topic, basically have this bunch of loyal following that will jump aboard. If they started talking about snorting dog feces, that it was good for you and help you live longer. There'd be a certain percentage of this country that would be out there, cleaning up poo out of their yards, drying it and snorting it. It's just crazy what people will fall for. Robert, I think you have something to say about that, Oh, wait a minute. No, no. I wanna hear your comment on that


pass something that that Elon Musk said the other day, which I found very is he was He was at an energy conference and We We need to oil and gas output immediately. And it took a lot of people by because he's The The pioneer electric electric and increasing oil and gas negative, would negatively affect his company, but smarter than that. He's an I mean, He'll come out with something new And it it may be a trend, it may be something that takes that's what innovators do. That's what I entrepreneurs do. but he said that we need more oil it's because he because he understands that we need that in order to survive as a as


And that, that's a really good point, Robert. Cause, I follow Elon Musk very closely. He's one of my favorite people to listen to. I watch as many videos as I can. I just think he's a very interesting person, Now my intelligence level is far from where he's at. So a lot of the stuff that he talks about, I have to do a lot of further research and I don't understand what he's talking about, but, He a while back, there's a really good video that I think everyone should just watch if this is kind of a topic, whether it's, environmental stuff or, if they're curious about electric cars or just what he does and how he thinks is he did an interview with Leonardo de Capo and they were walking because Elon Musk recently moved Tesla headquarters in the SpaceX headquarters down to Texas. of the issues that he was having with the state of California. And they moved down there he's got some special name for it. I can't think of it right now. But the center that they run the headquarters out of there, it's a fully self-sufficient on electricity and everything. in the conversation they were having at a certain point of the video was about, how many of those buildings that are self-sufficient in powering themselves, it would take to make the entire world go to green energy, or at least the electric would be based off of green energy. And it would take a hundred of those buildings that he's built in Texas to turn the entire world. And have them fully sufficient. They would take a hundred of 'em, literally, exactly a hundred of them around the globe to change how we would be able to function as a entire globe. And then from that point, we would be able to utilize gas and oil and things like that in their respective areas for things that they would be more beneficial for. And then at that point, we wouldn't have to worry about the. The harshness of not only no vehicles and all sorts of other things, all being gas based, but that's really good video. I wish I had, the link or the direct name of it. I can find it if anybody's interested in watching. That is a really really good video.


I'm always confused when I likely Elon Musk. I really like him. I think he's comical. think he's a guy that became uber billionaire and he has fun I think he has a lot of fun messing with people too because. He's actually and he looks at some of the stuff and the hypocrisy out there, and he just laughs about it and he makes fools of him, and he is open about it. That's why many on the left actually don't like him. They think he's a sellout. They think a rightwinger, which, I'm not in a disagreement with that. He sounds more like he's on the right than he's on the left I hear him. But the thing about it is that, There's nothing wrong with the concept of I like the concept. I think we've always gotta look for new innovations that will improve things and change the way we live. We're just not ready for it at this point, and I don't think we'll ever be ready to go fully electric because something has to power that Something has to create the components for the electric. What I really have liked over the years is the concept of hybrid. I think that when you tie. Fossil fuel, gasoline, diesel, tie that together with electric. I think that you could put out a good product. I think we could have vehicles that would drive much farther instead of getting an average of 400, 500 miles per gallon, which the average vehicle typically does. I think we could get up to a thousand miles before a fill up because I think that the gas and the electric could compliment each other, and I'm all for that. Like I said, I'm all for like the environment. I think the planet's beautiful. I think we're destroying, we're building too many houses in scenic areas. I think we should probably figure out ways to slow down the population growth because I think it's out of control. think we need to find ways to conserve the good water that we have, because many places in the world don't have good water. was just looking in Mississippi, they're having a real water problem with contaminated water and people don't have anything to drink down there. I think we definitely have to take care of the planet. I think we are the stewards of this planet. I just think we should tell Washington to go take a fly in fart and stay out of it because Washington and the elitist have been known to be able to screw up iron balls. Most folks in Washington could not find their rear ends with both hands swinging. But these are the fools that are dictating policy and the only reason they're dictating policy is because they feel they. The policies that they dictate to the citizens we have to live with. California is already a disaster area. It couldn't get much worse out there, but it will wait till you have thousands of vehicles broken down the five during rush hour. See how that fares out because when your vehicle breaks, Or your battery dies or whatever happens to your electric vehicle. There's no mechanic coming out to fix it alongside the road, which oftentimes you can do with a gasoline engine. Not so much today as we used to back in the day, if my vehicle broke down, I've changed transmissions alongside the road. Sometimes you could hit your engine with a hammer or something. Blunt object, and for some reason it would start. You're not gonna do that with electric vehicles. hitting your computer when it's not working. It doesn't work like the toaster used to, but I think we need to explore alternative forms of energy on a recent trip over to Kansas. I was very impressed to see that the farmers over there have windmills going around circles in the field. They're pumping oil they got oil rigs right there in the field and at the same time they're growing crops. I think that's being innovative. I think it's being think it's being smart. But this notion that we're ready to go all vehicles just ludicrous. I'll stand by that statement. I'll debate anybody on that statement, but we've seen this before. It's nothing new. It's just the newest stage of hypocrisy and craziness coming from the left. You notice it always comes from the left. don't ever hear anybody in the right come up with this stupidity. So folks, you choose to do what you want. If you wanna drive one of them, goofy little electric cars go at it. But I will tell you, check with your insurance company because I was doing some research and cost of operating an electric vehicle. Not only in maintenance and expense is off the charts, anybody telling you it's more affordable option is nuts. check your insurance rates they say electric vehicles you are, 10 times more prone to suffer a fatality or not suffer a fatality die if you get in an accident an electric. The statistics are staggering on it. I don't fall for the propaganda. You see the video where they talk about this electric vehicle hit a pole and these, it burnt for three hours. Who cares if it burns for an hour or three hours? You're just dead. So you can't really put into the equation. And some folks on the right, believe are just as foolish the way they talk about things. I'm just talking good old common sense. It's more expensive, not sustainable, and it's more dangerous for your health and wellbeing. And the other thing I wanna add to that, everybody that's out there driving your electric vehicles around, have not yet seen the results of spending hours sitting on top of a battery, cannot be healthy. So we don't even know if there's gonna be cancer causing effects. happens about 10 years from now when they come out with that report saying, Oh, well we didn't really anticipate this, but folks are dying because they've been sitting on batteries. For a good portion of their day. there's all kinds of things to consider if you wanna buy an electric car, have at it. I actually think there's potential for the technology, but you're not gonna force me to drive an all electric vehicle. I will move to wherever I have to so that I can keep driving gas guzzler and I do drive a gas guzzler because I believe in surrounding myself with metal. That way if somebody hits me, The occupants of my vehicle are gonna be safe. If you want to drive one of those little puddle jumpers, have at it. guys. We're coming up on the timeline here. It's been a good podcast. Thank you, jj. I appreciate you coming in here this morning. Thank you, Robert. You've both brought some great stuff to the table, and that way I'm not sitting here just talking to myself, which oftentimes I do y'all have a great day, Robert. just before we go, final comment, just give one final comment for the listen.


Anytime you see you see the government forcing you to do anything, it really comes down to either control or


power, or money. Great point. How about you jj?


I think biggest thing, last thing I'd have to say is do your research, stay educated. And you should probably probably everything you hear from somebody that has a fancy title in front of their name.


I agree. I agree. Gentlemen, has been good talking this morning. Y'all have a great day. And this is J.C. Owens. And for now I am outta here.

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