Common Ground Holds the Power to Save Our Nation

It’s time to stop being Democrats and Republicans and start being educated and informed voters who understand that you cannot have freedom, liberty, and justice for all without respect for one another. These two things go hand in hand. It’s that simple.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks, J.C. back. tonight we're gonna talk about politics. It's not something I like to talk about half the time. It's a very source subject in my thoughts, but I think we have to talk about it. I believe the country is on the verge of collapse. I don't think it can take much more. I think the inflation going through the roof, the housing market hitting a. The fighting over all the social issues we have illegals just literally flooding our Southern border. We have a homeless problem nationwide in major cities that is just epidemic proportions. We have a rising drug addiction epidemic taking place nationwide, and now there's drugs on the street that are literally killing youth. And then we have to talk about our education system, which was one of the worst in the world. And it's not because the teachers wanted to be the worst in the world. They're trying their best, but they implemented all kinds of policies and the teachers union and the teaching of common core that is making it very difficult for teachers to do their job. The job that they once loved were unprotected against our enemies, China and Russia are actually doing military training together. Do you think that's to go against. The great America, but our politicians are sitting back while this is happening and I'm talking, the politicians on the left are promoting the destruction of our country and the politicians on the right. Aren't doing anything about it. And they haven't for a long time. When Trump was in office and I do believe he was the president for the people, and he tried to reach out and help the citizens. He got our economy back on track very quickly. He brought down unemployment and had our nation protected and also protected against, bad trade from foreign nations. So overall Trump did a lot of. Things in this country. And like I said, and I'll say it many times, you don't have to like the guy, but the proof is in the pudding. As my dad used to say, he did a great job running this country, like a business and getting it back on track all the while. Many in the Republican party were just trying to get him out of office and destroy him. And they did not support him, which tells you that there's not much difference between a Democrat and a Republican, a lefty or somebody on the far. Right. They're all clued together. They go to the same tea parties. They hang out together in Washington, DC. They take vacations together. They pretend they're fighting with each other, Backdoor deals have ruled the day. Most of 'em are sold out to big pharma and they've sold out the country for a bucket full of money. So what are we gonna do as citizens? We can't have an uprising. That's not gonna work. This. Isn't the 17 hundreds where battles were fault on battle grounds. And we were trying to. Protect this nation from British rule. That's not gonna happen anymore. I do believe in the second amendment and being armed is a good thing and a necessary defense against burglars and criminals that would seek to harm you or your family and loved ones. I believe the defanging of law enforcement is a perfect example of how the leftists that are trying to bring this nation down and create and cause chaos on the streets so that the average citizen is so busy trying to protect themselves that we're not paying attention. To what these people in Washington are doing to destroy this nation. So there's really no protection for the average citizen out there. You're on your own folks and you better start realizing that we've gotta start educating our children and win or lose. It's the way they see us. Take up the battle. Take up the fight. Stand up for our rights, that will determine how they do it in their futures. At some point, when they're able to take the opportunity to do so, that starts now, they're going to watch us. They're gonna pay attention to us. They're gonna see how we respond to the destruction of our nation. And if they see us standing up and fighting at some point and their lifetime, they will stand up and they will fight for this country. And we're not gonna. Armed with weapons. We're gonna do it with rational thinking. We're gonna do it with common sense conversation. We're not gonna do it with hatred. We're not gonna do it within fighting. We're gonna do it because the average person who has more in common. With each other, then they do with the folks in Washington and the activist groups when common ordinary people put down their political affiliations and start getting together and having open reasonable conversations about what we're gonna do to rescue our neighborhoods, our communities, and our nation. That's when we're gonna accomplish something, the powers that be the elitist. The government they're always gonna be trying to steal from the people. That's going on for thousands and thousands of years, look at the Roman empire. This is nothing new, but what's new is that people are so busy fighting amongst themselves in this country. that they're not taking the time to realize that the real issue is what's taking place to destroy your family, to destroy your livelihood, to make it so that you don't have a future. And if you don't have a future, your children and grandchildren don't have a future. So it's time to start paying attention. It's time to get the conversation started. It's one of the reasons that I started America's independent voice is just to talk about topics. I believe everyone has a story. We all have experiences. We all have something to share, but we've gotta start sharing it. We've gotta stop paying attention to the things that don't matter and start paying attention to the things that do matter. The Johnny Depp trial is not going to make any difference in your life. The Kardashians, the. Entertainers that are just outlandish with their actions and, destructive nature, the Alec Baldwin case, whether he is guilty or not is a perfect example of that. Alec Baldwin may be guilty of being a pompous ass arrogant. He's a lefty with some radical left policies, but Alec Baldwin is not at fault during the shooting on the movie set, he was just in the actor's position and he was handed a weapon. That was loaded with a live round. He had no way of knowing that he performed a scene and somebody got shot. The responsible party should be the person who brought a live round onto the. The responsible party should be the armor who loaded the weapon and handed it to him. But he had nothing to do with any of that. He is a victim, just as much as the individual that got shot, but because there's so many on the right that hate that man, because of his political party affiliation, because his radical left views that they're willing to. That he has constitutional rights and that there is a right and wrong, a set of rules that should apply to all of us, whether you're lefty or if you're a right wing conservative, the law should work the same for all of us. And we should be judged fairly without any prejudices because of our political affiliations or a radical policy. So I'm ashamed that all the conservatives that have come out against him, just because they don't like him because he's anti-gun and things like that. And this is an opportunity for them to maybe. They're getting back at someone. We have got to start as a civilization as a nation. Put our political affiliations aside and start looking at what's really going on in this country. And what's really going on in this country is it's being destroyed from the inside. We have all kinds of evil forces at play. We have a sector of the population that believes it's okay to walk into a school and take and kill. Lots of students in the process of committing suicide or the ones that walk out the door going, oh, I was mentally ill and I was treated bad as a child. So it was okay that I just shot up a bunch of innocent children. We have radicals that would like to blow this country to smithereens and they're living amongst us. We have all kinds of activists, groups that are spreading and promoting hatred, whether that be the BLM movement within the black community. Those people don't represent the black community. They're a hate group and they're a paid and sponsored hate group. A lot of the LGBTQ movement has gotten out of control. Hey, live the life you want be who you want to be, but don't just start spreading hatred. Like you're the only ones that live on the planet. Let's face it. There's nothing fair about a man who decides to become a woman competing. A swim event against females, females have earned the right to be in those swim competitions. Now they have to compete against a man and it's not right. And we all know it's not right, but when we stand up, we've gotta stand up because it's not right. It's not ethical. It's not sportsmen. Like not because we have any disdain for that individual because they choose to be a transgender because that is against every principle that America has ever stood for, because we should be able to choose our lifestyle. And I don't care what your Bible says or your right wing religion says, leave people alone. Like Jesus said, and stop judging others by your own set of rules. It's often why the left is turned off by the right, as equally as were turned off by their policies. But women have fought for equal rights for many years, and that should not be stolen from them. And right now I believe that many things that are taking place and being spawned by the leftist and the radical movements. Are infringing upon women's rights and their place in society. That was hard-earned through many, a fight. This is America. And to me, America is a place where you can choose to practice the religion of your liking. Choose to live the lifestyle that you wanna live. Pursue your goals and dreams become basically anything you want to become. I don't care if you wanna be a plumber or you wanna be a rocket scientist and anything in between. Go ahead and be a rock star if that's what you choose to be or a rap artist, or just an artist in general. That's the greatest thing about this nation is you can pursue your dreams. Unobstructed and you should be able to do it without prejudice friends. I will keep saying this. I believe we all have more in common with our neighbor than we have uncommon. I believe the challenge in this world and in this country in particular is going to be, how do we all get along and accept all the diversity in this country and the differences of opinion without eliminating and annihilating each other, like the powers that B would like, I believe we need. Focusing and working together on the things that truly have the power to bring this nation down. I also believe we've gotta pay very careful attention to what our children are being taught because they are the future of our nation. What are our children learning and what is the future of their nation? Because it's not ours anymore. We're gonna have to hand this thing over at some point. So we need to be bringing them up. Right. And making sure that they're instilled with the right ideas. Oftentimes youth is radical. I was a radical when I was a youth, I was outta control, but over time I started getting more rational and level headed, found that like-minded thinking with many others. It's why I do a podcast. Again, I do this to share information and we may have different views and you might not agree with everything I have to say. You might agree with nothing I have to say, or you might agree with all of it, but we have one thing in common, hopefully, and that is that we're all working towards the common good of ourselves, our families and others as. But the sharing of information only works. If everybody shares information, just because you don't like your neighbor's political affiliation doesn't mean you can't be neighborly. It doesn't mean you can't be reasonable that you can't have discussions. I believe courtesy and respect go a long way. The time has never been more important for us all to get together for us all, to have reasonable conversation for us not to call each other names. I'm pretty hard on the left, but I'm not against them as individuals are humans. I know that they believe in what they believe in just as much as I believe in what I believe in, but if we can come together, Sometimes we can change minds. Maybe even ours will change a little bit, at least enough to find common ground. This nation has been great over the last 200 years for being the leaders in movements that have changed the lives and direction of many. At one time, this was a slave nation and it wasn't right. And there was a movement that was started a great president named Abraham Lincoln, a civil war that ensued the rights of freedom were fought for. And what came out of that fight was a better nation, a nation where skin color didn't matter, where religion didn't matter, race didn't matter. But the radical left, the powers that be the elitist would like to erase all those accomplishments and have us all fighting over the same things that we fought the civil war over. America is a nation where gender doesn't matter. We have women in all positions in this nation from high office to homemaker and anything in between. It's a place where you can choose to be what you want. I believe it's unimaginable that in the 21st century, Many countries around the world, chastise, gays, even kill gays. Many countries in the world do not respect women. Women do not even have a place in their society. Many of the countries around the world are still living in barbaric times. The way that they did thousands of years ago, America has been a shining light and as bad as it is. It's still the shining light of the world. And many folks want to come here because they see it as a land of opportunity. Yeah. There's some that come here to try to take advantage of it, but more than not, folks come here for the opportunity from all over the world and we need that shining light. It's a light of greatness. It's a light of freedom. It's a light of Liberty. It's a place where everybody can choose to be who they want to be. And that's why I'm proud of this country. That's why it's so important for me to get on here and talk about this kind of stuff, but you've gotta take your part. You've gotta get out and vote. You've gotta get out and vote in person. And if you have a disability that prohibits you from getting out on your own, get somebody to help you. There's plenty of folks out there that will do so folks that's basically, all I have to say is let's save this country. Let's save it for everybody that is seek. To live in a nation free of oppression, free of prejudice. And let's make sure that we are the ones that are preserving those freedoms for everybody, whether we disagree with their lifestyles, their opinions, what they choose to pursue in life. Or not as long as it's good for them and it's not harming us. I think we can save this thing. I think that we can make a difference. I think we can change minds. I think that we can all fight for common goals. If we just start talking about what those common goals are and what our common interests are, as opposed to what separates us. Hey, that's all I have to say for now. This is J.C. Owens and I am out of here.

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