Blatant White House Lie: The Economy is Stronger Than Ever

Much of what we hear coming out of Washington and the Main Stream Media is blatant misinformation. It will only continue until we, the people, start calling these individuals out, including turning off the news stations that are pushing these bucket-loads of manure. Citizens have more power than they think. By eliminating these channels from your T.V. selector, we can put these organizations out of business.

J.C. Owens:

Hey folks, welcome back. J.C. Owens here. And I go to the gym every morning and I do my cardio first and I try to not to watch the news, but you can't help it's you gotta look up. And I typically, something catches my eye. I'll pay attention to it. when the press secretary of the United States, Joe Biden's press secretary gets on national TV. Announces that the economy is currently the best it's ever been in history. You gotta wonder what in the hell planet are these people living on? It's ludicrous to the point of absolute being criminal, because it's a blatant, outright lie. Every sector of our economy is failing and the fed. Trying to manipulate everything, to keep this thing from tanking and going into a recession. And we're right on the brink of one consumer spending is still going because people have gotten to the point where they realize you just might as well live your life because these criminals in Washington are just gonna try to steal every dollar that you have. I have my ideals on what their end game is, and I'm sure most of you do, but the fact that this press secretary would even be so bold and in blaze to make a statement like that tells you the state of this administration and where their heads are, they literally don't care. They don't care if they lie. They don't care if they cheat, they don't care if they steal as long as they have that loyal following, I guess that sits there and stares at that CNN TV CNN's ratings. they're tanking. They're literally falling off the map their employees are scrambling because they know that ship is going. I'm not sure that any of the news outlets are much better, the public outcry against this administration for making a statement so crazy should be huge. We should not be taking this stuff. Sitting down. The economy of the us is the best it's ever been in history. My question is, are there really people out there that believe that. because if there are people that are out there believing it, which I'm sure there are a percentage that's scary. It's scary that those people have driver's licenses and they're allowed to drive down the highway with actual sane people. And it's scary to the point where we wonder why these mass shooters are popping up everywhere. We wonder why. People fall for the race card that is being played very diligently by the leftist. We wonder why people are falling for much of the retirement scams and putting their money in the wrong places. We wonder why. There's children out there that are just off the charts, in what they believe to be truth, what they believe to be justice, what they believe to be fairness. It's, like I said, it's almost like being on another planet, this stuff will continue until. The general population, the same population stands up and says no more. If there is a mainstream media network that is trying to promote that narrative, they should literally be shut down, but not by the regulatory folks, they should be shut down by the American people because the American people should stand up and. No, we're not even gonna blink through your channel to give you a rating. we're gonna take it off our TV. We're gonna eliminate that channel from our TVs so that we never have to see your craziness again, because folks ratings come from you clicking on that channel. people have a lot more control than they think. If we choose to exercise it, we might have a fighting chance, but without exercising those rights, it's over. My God, what a ludicrous criminal statement. And she said it with a smile as if she actually believed it, which we know she doesn't. Nobody is that nuts. That is in any administrative position. Hey folks, I hope you have a great day. Americans are gonna have to start standing up for the rights for the right to receive accurate information is one of the rights that we're really gonna have to stand up for. We're gonna have to stand up so that big tech is not allowed to lie and manipulate and change the narrative to meet the needs and goals of the left. Their goals and pursuits are criminal that was proven in the last election. And it's gonna be proven in the upcoming election. It's already being proven. That's all I have to say about that. I hope y'all have a pleasant day and this is J.C. Owens and I am outta here.

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